You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!
Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!
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We are all busy Multi-tasking! The many numerous things we juggle in our business can boggle most other people’s minds! And yet, WHAT IS THE ONE THING WE FORGET TO SCHEDULE?
Entrepreneurs, self-employment and career driven individuals are all on their own career path; and moving forwards. Many are trying NOT to work around the clock!
So, you’ve completed the income tax, talked with all departments and worked out a budget. If you feel that you are ‘putting out fires rather than planting seeds, you may be losing sight of the end results. Sometimes…something is missing. We can be too busy to schedule to look ahead, to make a greater plan!
We need to wear FOUR HATS to cover the basics. The fifth one, many people forget about! Let’s define a couple of areas and group similar tasks together; then, you won’t have to change hats so often!
Let’s get started.
When studying Feng Shui to balance your business, we place the core tasks into different departments. A larger company would hire people to work in their specific specialties. For Entrepreneurs: Sole Proprietors need to excel in each of these areas or hire people to cover their weaker skills.
I have designed a P.E.P. Quiz (Personal Element Profile) to help determine your strengths and weak areas. If you have some attributes in all areas, chances are, you are well-rounded and can function in your position. If this quiz reveals you have weaknesses in other areas, consider making improvements to learn more, or hire some help.
Each department relates to an earth property found in Chinese Medicine. Here is a short list of attributes you may need to excel in each area.
It’s the position of the CEO, Owner, President to take a hard look at the company goals and forecasting. A process, including reflection, meditation, vision and integrity to delegate and guide/tutor, motivate and inspire a sense of commitment and purpose to move forward.
In Feng Shui, we relate to this positioning as blue water. Embrace it. It’s a time to rest and recover. Settling in, cooling, a period to pontificate and regroup – moving towards the next step.
A sense of calmness.
Plan ahead.
Wearing too many hats can be overwhelming, but to continuously switching hats all day is really stressful. Stress = Not productive.
By grouping your tasks into a category, working with one ‘hat’ at a time, you’ll find better flow in your day. Productivity = Results!
Schedule this quiet-time, and be consistent. If it helps, bring calming visuals into your environment; visualize relaxing in blue water. This is an excellent step towards planning for the future of your company.
Everyone should love their career choice!
Looking for a job change? Validate that you are looking in the right places!
With confidence and clarity, make the next step, the right step.
Enjoy your journey,
~ Kathryn is a Feng Shui Consultant, Home Stager, Author and Podcast Host for Feng Shui Your Day
Kathryn is available for your home or office makeover through Home Visits and On-Line Services.
Kathryn provides informative talks to organizations and host workshops for small groups. For more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space, check out her website:
Feng Shui never goes out of style! Would you like to chat with Kathryn:
No charge for a chat; Let’s talk about how to apply Feng Shui into your business.
Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?
Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!
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