
Balancing Energy Patterns in Your Home

A well-balanced home is a Happy Home!

A well-balanced home is a Happy Home!


We all have an energetic field around us. Chi-energy is unseen in our environment, but can be measured with sensitive tools searching for disruptions in energy patterns. Personal Energy Fields in humans and pets can be detected using the same dowsing tools used for geopathic stress.

Personal chi-energy is also invisible to the naked eye, and depending on our moods, can influence our family positive or negative.

This unseen energy can either blend into the family lifestyle, or cause disruption.

A regular dowsing rod that detects environment irregularities can be used to assess your personal energy rhythms. The professional places one hand your shoulder and holds a dowsing rod in the other; then, counts each time the rod clocks a full circle. In each family, or group, the head of the household should ‘clock’ higher than the others, as they are the one ‘in charge’.  For reference purposes, let’s use a simple scale of 0-10.

For many clients, their functioning day-to-day energy is around numbers 3- 5. When highly motivated, exercising or celebrating occasions, this number can raise to 8 or 9.  When meditating, many spiritual people can raise their numbers upwards into the teens.

Spouses should have fairly similar numbers in order to have a balanced relationship. Dependent children should have a number less than their parents, or the balance of the home can be disrupted. The fact is: younger children often have  higher energy levels than their parents, just because they are kids! (Kids and pets are in the fire-element group.)

Higher numbers measured in people or animals indicate they are very spiritual. When a person clocks an 11 or 20, or beyond, it indicates you are in the presence of a church, priest or spiritual leader.

A pet can rate a very low number, as they are lower on the ascension chain. A rescue-pet may clock in at 0 or even a negative number, until they adjust to the new routine. (When the rods rotate counter-clockwise they are identifying negative energy.)  Some pets could have a higher number than their owners; for example, a working dog supporting their charge.

My old, collie dog consistently clocked a 10. Even a month before he died, he had a huge, calming presence. It is no wonder that everyone smiled and was attracted to him. One neighbour even called him the ‘dog whisperer’.

A true story: One of my clients expressed a concern that her granddaughter was out of control when visiting, yet she was well behaved at her parents’ home. Wondering what could be ‘wrong’, I met her at Grandma’s house. The 6 yr old was rushing around everywhere; I counted her rod energy-rotations around 20!

I noticed the girl was placed in the ‘command position’ for meals at the dining room table. She was able to ‘control’ the situation of what she saw, what she wanted and could influence people to wait on her. I suggested to move the little girl to a ‘more subservient position’ at the table, and place the grandparents back in command. After a few visits, the grandmother reported back: the granddaughter’s energy level calmed down when she came to visit. (I wonder if ‘being in the command position’ brought anxiety to this young girl.)

Regardless of what your number is today, finding the balance in your household can make the difference between harmony and mayhem. Here is what you can do to begin to balance energy patterns in your home:

  • Assess the energy patterns that move through your home. You should plan slower energy patterns through living rooms and the bedrooms; and faster moving chi-energy where you need movement and productivity.
  • Rearrange the furniture and clear areas to support your lifestyle. Keep in mind: To slow down chi-energy use carpets, draperies, textiles and heavy furniture. To raise chi- energy clear the doorways, counter-tops and floors from clutter and heavy items.
  • Utilize the ‘command position’ in your home and maximize its strength in all areas (eat, sleep, work, play, TV area, etc.) to balance the family chain of command.

You need to be able to find a quiet, restful spot in your home. If you suspect an imbalance, it can be very simple to correct.  Taking the time to reorganize personal energy flows and command structure will be beneficial to all who enter your home.

All the best,


For more information about Chi-energy and Dowsing Rods and the Command Position

Check out my site and contact a feng shui Professional to help where needed.


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** Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and a Feng Shui Consultant. She delivers ‘practical solutions to life’s problems’. Are you thinking of a personal consultation? Or, perhaps you know of a group or associate that would enjoy a lively talk or workshop?

As an active Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild, Kathryn is available for private consultations, talks and workshops. Check out her book ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Office’ and connect with her through

Kathryn has a gentle way of manipulating energy to help find balance and flow in each situation. You can trust her with your concerns. Contact her for an Inquiry Chat to find out how feng shui can help you: 

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About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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