
A Simple Walk of ABC

Exercise your mind while walking

If you could read my mind: A Simple Game of ABC

The lyrics to a popular song lead to wonder, mystique and perhaps misconception about what’s going on inside ourselves. Our ‘enforced relaxation’ away from regular routines and community friends has lead many of us to ponder our existence, and wonder what is coming next!

If you could read my mind, love, what a tale my thoughts would tell…

Are you unsettled these days? Thoughts wondering and wandering throughout the day? It’s no wonder that we can’t remember which day it is and what’s going to happen tomorrow. LOL! Many of us are worried about our extended families and what the future holds for us. If I could show you a way to focus on something positive and get your brain back into working again, would you try it?


I’ve used this exercise (game) in my practise to help people focus and shift their mindset, and it works SO WELL!  In this state of the unknown… A simple walk of ABC!

You see, any person of authority, a consultant, teacher or parent is required to be more optimistic and grounded than their charges, in order help, lead or influence others. So how does one do that consistently? Well, develop a routine, or a practise of sorts that works for you.

The ‘great ones’ (Def: People who seem to have it all together.) are disciplined enough to sit still and meditate/elevate/whatever to quietly pontificate in order to solve their problem. Others have to let off steam: jump on a spin bike or race around a track. And many others, fret and worry themselves into a disaster state! Once there, if they can survive the circumstances, they know they can live through another day.

This simple game with ABC, was initiate to work hand-in-hand with daily affirmations. It was intended to be a more creative way of stating the I AM’s in the morning.

Rather than a recitation or reading affirmations from a list. Anyone could walk around the house like a walking meditation; each step would be one letter. It could sound like this:

I AM Authentic

I AM Bold

I AM Confident

I AM Determined

I AM Energetic

I AM Fearless

-You get it. If I’m walking about thinking about the next letter, I’m also moving physically, mentally and (perhaps) emotionally. Each day could bring a new thought or a new message. Each day could even have its own theme!

The next day, you could list all the things you are grateful for:





… and so on.

This game, a simple walk, is different every time.

Or, even, connect with nature or food. Ask your kids or spouse to contribute too:



Mocha coffee



Another walk, could feature ‘Things I like today’:


Quiet times




Once you’ve completed the task of finding a word for all 26 letters, you’ve had your first accomplishment of the day! You’ll be sharpening the left-right brain combo, allowing you to have better coping skills for the day. What better way to have focused positives, with your assertive walk?

This exercise does work! If any of you (like me) have trouble sitting through a meditation or a ‘forced relaxation’ period, it’s time for a try. Check it out and tell me about your experience.

I’m all for ‘breaking the rules’, but, let’s keep our heads on straight; thinking and planning ahead for the days where we can live without all the restrictions.






Zumba (It’s okay to dance in the kitchen.)

You are in charge of YOU! Have fun where you can find it!

All the best, Kathryn

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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HI Kathryn!

What I appreciate from you is the ‘follow up’ you offer to clients.

We just started making changes in our home. Things are great!

Thank you for caring. (My son) is now sleeping in his own bed; loves his space full of stickers!

We are okay now.

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