You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!
Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!
Take the quiz nowAs a Feng Shui Coach, Kathryn works with women who struggle with too much busy-ness and not enough productivity.
Kathryn loves boosting harmony in the workplace! She’s been working with homeowners and small businesses for more than decade helping to create function and flow, and find the work-life balance in these unstable times.
So many people are embarrassed by their work areas; trying to do it ALL in their business. Creating simple systems for ins-and-outs, setting boundaries and priorities will help to generate more productivity and better results.
Active in the decorating business for years, Kathryn discovered Feng Shui and made changes in her own home and business. Since 2012, she’s working exclusively with Feng Shui, helping homeowners and business owners take charge of their space and learn to thrive, not just survive!
Look for her to create a better world for the future! She’s available for Site Visits, Video Consultations, Podcasts and loves to share tips on Facebook and on her NEW Podcast Feng Shui Your Day!
Kathryn Wilking now resides in Innisfil, Ontario, Canada.
‘I can help ‘Get Your Space Working for YOU!’ ~ Kathryn Wilking
Learning more about using your passions, strengths and weaknesses in the best way can help orchestrate events and tasks in a positive way. Take the PEP QUIZ* first, and begin creating a new stress-free life for you!
*Kathryn had an AHA Moment 10 yrs ago while researching personality profiles within the Five Elements, in Chinese Medicine. She’s dissected this further and you’ll want to hear her full story. She’s developed a simple Personal Element Quiz (PEP Quiz) to help identify the strengths and weaknesses in your personality and the best career options for you.
Creating a simple system to hire and delegate to the right people will help to generate more productivity, less stress and better results.
Events: formal and informal talks
Podcast/Computer/Power Point Presentations
A GUEST on Multiple Podcasts!
Teaching Feng Shui Course:
MY Podcast (Oct 2021) ‘Feng Shui Your Day’ Spotify: Short link:
Find out what Kathryn has been up to and where she has been published.
Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?
TAKE THE QUIZ NOWFind out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!
Take the quiz now