Hire Kathryn

Kathryn Wilking workshop presentation

Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and a Feng Shui Consultant.  With a background in decorating and interior design, she loves to help people set up their space for success.

Kathryn’s studies with energy and Chinese Medicine has taken her down the road over the last five years to develop a unique personality profiling to use for business. She uses this knowledge to create positive working spaces and cultivating success programs for all kinds of businesses.

Kathryn is passionate about ‘making the world a better place’ and believes that balance and harmony can be found in every situation.

Many of her recent successes can be found in individual home businesses, sales teams, and new start ups.

Much of her business studies in Communications, Management, and International Trade sparked a need for delegating the right people for the job; and allowing them to grow and develop.

She’s owned two small businesses and managed two other retail stores. Her successes come from the ability to understand clients and listen to what they need.

When working with private consultations, her work includes developing dynamic communication people skills for productivity and stress-free environments. By providing services in opening/moving/renovating stores and offices; she aids in hiring teams, delegating tasks and providing a plan for growth.

Many of the ancient theories from Chinese Medicine are still very practical and very much in use today!

Workshops and Guest

Kathryn presenting Feng Shui gift at workshopKathryn has a few choices to present as a Webinar Guest:

  •       Taking Charge of Your Space
  •       Self Care with Colors
  •       What’s On Your Walls
  •       FAB Five Personality Profiling

Each of these 30-40 minute talks are about ‘setting yourself up for success’, every day!


Her newest talk: Changing Your Path with Feng Shui, helps smaller business groups develop inertia to move, grow and evolve their business into what they really want.

Presentation Details: Changing Your Path with Feng Shui takes a closer look at choosing a starting point, recognizing opportunities, and perhaps even, change your luck.

Our starting point in life where we actually ‘landed’ on the planet cannot be changed, and yet, everything else is a series of choices that can be manipulated in our favor.

Kathryn reveals three ways we can cultivate our own luck, and how this can apply to your individual business.

This presentation can be in a formal Power Point webinar, or a casual heart-to-heart intimate talk about writing the next chapter of your life.


Kathryn’s variation of talks have interest from homeowners, architects and small business people learning to understand how their immediate environment can dictate /influence the success of any project. Her motto: Get Your Space Working For You!

What Makes Kathryn Unique

Kathryn Wilking talking at BootcampKathryn connects with her audiences on many levels; as a wife, mother, homeowner, business owner, travel-bug; she’s involved with hobbyists and sporting groups and enjoys a calm lifestyle on the shores of Lake Simcoe.

She can empower your group to ‘set themselves up for success’, move forewords and grow with confidence into the next chapter – just by harnessing the energy within their space.

Kathryn’s services have been variable depending on the issues that are needed. From a small family that needs to settle into their new home, to youth groups deciding on the future, to small businesses, home offices and developing sales platforms.

Group classes to MAKE the SHIFT are very enlightening and affordable.

Her FIVE STAR Personal Programs are Custom Prepared; 8 weeks long and deliver a major shift in every area of your life.

Would you like to know more?

Ask Kathryn: call her to talk about your ideas. The initial telephone consultation is free; it helps you and Kathryn plan a personal message and confidential home/office visits.

Let’s Connect: https://calendly.com/kathryn-99/let-s-connect/ 


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Dear Kathryn,

Paul and I absolutely LOVED meeting you in person and having the time you so generously gave us and our home! It is such a joy and celebration to connect with a kindred soul, especially when this comes with the great blessing and opportunity to learn and grow from the connection.
Our session on Saturday was the catalyst we needed to break out of our (my!) inertia and get the energy flowing to transform our space and lifestyle.  Your presence and
guidance are extremely uplifting and… Read more

Transforming a small church into a home
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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