Practical Feng Shui for the Office

Finding Your Individual Balance in the Workplace

by Kathryn Wilking

Practical Feng Shui For The Office

“I have met with so many people in the last few years who apologize for their office.

Apologize? For what?

Well, a lot of them are embarrassed. They don’t really like their workspace.

The problem is in the flow, the routine and the organization of their work.

Feng shui can help you with all of these things. A feng shui office will give you a balanced flow of energy so you can accomplish the tasks of the day. The goal is to make your time more productive and more functional.

The purpose of this book is to take the mystery out of feng shui and show you how practical it really is.

Feng shui can give you guidance to become more aware of your surroundings and to find the proper balance in your life.” ~ Kathryn


LISTEN HERE: An Interview with the Author, Kathryn Wilking, “Practical Feng Shui for the Office“:

Using the Five-Element Theory, Kathryn Wilking presents a practical view of feng shui concepts and takes you through the steps in setting up your physical work space – from choosing office furniture and décor to desk placement and seating arrangements.

She then shows you how, by taking a simple Personal Element Profile quiz, you can determine your dominant element, and the elements of those around you.

This will help you understand yourself and others, in order to assemble your best team to create a successful, organized and productive work environment.

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Here’s what people are saying:

“Wow Kathryn! I just finished your book and it is FULL of great advice, along with many of the Feng Shui principles that I hadn’t been aware of, which made perfect sense! I also took your PEP test and I was quite surprised at how it nailed my personality to a ‘T.’ The way you explain Feng Shui, it’s purpose and how we can utilize it in the workplace as well as in our home environment, certainly has given me some valuable information to implement and use to be proactive in creating a better flow of energy for me in my life! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

Sherry Brantley, Author of S.T.E.P.P.

“Kathryn, I am excited to represent your work. Your book is done very well. Good job! Since Feng Shui is a popular subject in many countries already with their own list of books on the subject it is my job to convince them this is a very unique and sale-able title for their market. I am proud to present this title and learn myself from it!” And, now I’ve secured the contract for you to translate this book into Czech! Congratulations!

Deanna Leah, HBG Productions & International Publishers Alliance

“Just finished reading your book on the train ride home from VA. It was great. I really liked it. Simple, understandable and fun… Loved it. I think I am a wood and a fire person.”


“…fabulous book! …insightful way to look at the personalities.”


“…Kathryn, you have helped me so much over the last few years! I am delighted that you have put your ideas into a book!”


“This book was a delight to read and has given me much to ponder. I loved the Personal Element Profile quiz and then the very practical ways Kathryn suggests of putting that knowledge into practice in a real environment – my own.
I wish you much success!”


“Well-written and well-paced; practical and inspiring. This book will help you energize your own environment and decode the homes and offices of others.”


Sneak Peak: The Command Position

One of the first things to consider in the office is the placement of the desk and other furniture. Regardless of whether you have an entire room designated as your office or simply a closet or cubicle, you will need to find the Command Position.

This would be the best spot to place your desk in order to see the whole room and the doorway, yet not be in direct alignment with the doorway. In your Command Position, you should feel comfortable and relaxed. If you feel good sitting at your desk, it is a good indication that you are on the right track. You may not feel like a success right away, but you will enjoy the process of becoming successful in the future.

The Command Position and its complexities refer back to an ancient Chinese model, as explained in Appendix A. When you find your Command Position, you automatically become safe (your back is protected), you have control (have your sight lines defined) and you are out of the way of distractions.

Things to think about when setting up your work area in the Command Position:

  • When you sit with your back to a door or open space, your subconscious could be wondering what is going on behind your back. Try to get creative with your desk arrangement so you can see the door from your desk.
  • If you cannot find a Command Position that faces the door, consider placing a small mirror (purse-size or convex) discreetly on your desk to face the doorway. This way, if someone’s shadow crosses the light behind you, there will be no surprise. (Avoid having the mirror reflecting directly on your actual work. This could give you the impression that you have even more work to complete.)
  • If possible, you will want to avoid sitting with a window behind you. The window is clear and fragile and will not give you grounding or support for your back. A curtain in a light fabric or a screen divider should be considered to make you feel more secure.

Want to find out more? Here’s where you can buy the the book:

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn is very much a professional, I’ve known her for a number of years and from the start have tried to make changes to my home and office based on her suggestions, recommendations and the Feng Shui principles she teaches.

I asked her to come over for a quick walk-about after we experienced a break in.  A number of issues came up, fortunately none had anything to do with the break in.  She discovered my home office was of particularity full of negative energy which is why for years I’ve had a… Read more

Ken Hembrof
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