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Where is your Ancestor Chi-energy?
I have discussed chi-energy previously and as you know, it can be found in many forms. Ancestor-chi is passed along via the blood lines that connect you with your direct ancestors.
My dad’s working career was a Newspaper Ad-man. He did the ‘copy’ for all the ads and special features that ran in the newspapers back in Ontario. He came from a bloodline of serious artists. When retired, he turned his attention to paintings and relief carvings –that he also painted. He loved the Art Deco Style from the 1920’s and the Big Band Era in the 1940’s. Many of his creations had a thread of ‘times of old’, and kept turning out these images into his 80’s.
He gave so many of these away, us ‘kids’ and grandkids learned to grab whichever one we wanted before it was finished. He called them ‘keep sakes’. Looking back, it was an attempt to immortalize his gifts and talents to us; in exchange for the precious words unspoken.
This image I chose here was one of his first, and at 11×15, one of the largest.
Ancestor-chi can be found in loving possessions and talents left behind, as in my dad’s example. Other times, ancestor-chi can present itself as angry or guilt driven. For example: If you are in possession of a quilt made by your grandmother, and you didn’t particularly see eye-to-eye with her, you may want to pass this item along to a family member that had a better relationship. Or, if you only inherited one-half of the tea set from your aunt, and never felt complete, take the steps to finally bring it all back together.
Each person’s family heritage is unique. There is no sense hanging onto something that makes you feel bad or guilty. Look for the good if you can, and find a proper place for these items.
The energy from your ancestors can be present in your modern day to day life, if you allow it. It is up to us to take the time to look for it, and embrace these symbols and images back into our lives. Take another look around your home today and see what reveals itself to you. I’ll bet you will be surprised!
Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?
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