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Q: Hi Kathryn, You’ve been talking about Smart Meters and EMFs (Electromagnet Fields) for months. Do you have any data to prove that they are safe? And, how do I know if my wireless modem and computer are safe?
A: I’ve been on the trail of this topic. I personally believe the Smart Meters are with-in reason, safe. They collect data mechanically and then ‘pulse’ the readings once a day to send the reading into the computer.
I’ve talked with representatives in both Ontario and B.C. The mechanics: each home/unit has one ‘smart meter’. Each meter collects information mechanically for the day. At a certain time each day, the reading is sent via a radio-pulse to the ‘road captain’ which is then sent on to the hydro facility. Therefore, the wi-fi connection is minimum.
This ‘pulse’ is very short. BC Hydro has assured me the 1.4 sec pulse per day, over 20 years, would be the equivalent to sitting at your wireless computer for a total of 30 minutes. They are very confident these meters are safe. They continue to run tests and collect data. The conflict in the new media, I believe, is the quantity of meters set up in a tight population zone. Again, we live in a progressive society and (although) the administration is looking at ways to save money and delivering a service, we need to be aware. Most of these meters are installed away from the main areas of a home or business, to respect people with sensitivities or immune issues.
As for your computer, the newer computer models and wireless devices are all testing very safe. The real issue you may want to address is the total sum of all the electromagnetic radiation in one area. Make a list of exactly what is in your room and how long each device is connected. You’d be surprised how much control you really do have on this matter.
FYI: I have an EMF Risk Analysis on my web-site that everyone can use to evaluate their home. Not to scare anyone, just to raise awareness. I do have a meter to measure this type of exposure.
Be Aware. Play Safe.
On my website is an article I wrote earlier about Electro-magnetic Frequencies (EMFs). You can find some tips about awareness there. Contact me if you’d like to talk further.
~ Kathryn
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