
Ask Kathryn about REAL LIFE CLIENT CASES: Seeing RED 

A red jacket shows strength and confidence. And yet, re-think the colour red before you decorate.



Sandy called me without a specific need; and yet, she was disappointed with several areas of her life. She felt depressed. Her life seemed to be stalled. She was off work on sick leave and her kids weren’t talking to her! Does feng shui have any ideas that could help her get her life back?

(Yes! Of course!)  


            When I arrived at her home, a small condominium on the ground floor, I noticed there were dead trees and bushes all around the building.

I also noticed that her home décor utilized a vast amount of the colour red. Her living room had red leather sofas, red seat cushions in the eating area and red images on the wall. To add to this fire-colour, there was a large corner fireplace in the living room. WOW!  That is a lot of fire!

Sandy was also missing her kids. She felt that her grown kids were too busy with their lives, for her.



The issues:

  • Deal with dead plants
  • Balance/eliminate/tone down intensity of the colour red.
  • Connect with her kids      
  1. First of all, the dead plants. Her city was in a water restriction clamp down; the condominium organization did not have a watering budget nor a sprinkler system to deliver it. Sandy was on her own in the apartment, to either water the shrubs outside her home (and pay her water bill), or put up with the dead plants. No wonder she was depressed: dead trees and plants surrounded her whole house.


What Sandy CAN control: pull the weeds in her private space and bring in potted plants. She would be obligated to water and care for only these items; not try to revive the entire cedar hedge.

Note: Bringing life into a space is SO IMPORTANT for mental health! Sandy was surrounded by dead plants and trees, making her feel the drain of everything dying around her.

  1. For the red-colour intensity, we placed a throw-blanket on one of the red couches and replaced/recovered the red pillows to include other colours: a mixture of yellow, green and red. I suggested she shop for new chair pads for the eating area, and change-out the red ones.

For her large, corner fireplace, we needed to balance the fire. I located a serene seascape hiding in another area of her home. I placed it across the huge, aggressive corner; it actually shortened the enormous space over top of the fireplace.

Note: A house that has ‘too much fire’, can be consuming. ‘Fire’ itself keeps our sub-conscious on high alert. To ‘douse’ a fire or ‘calm it down’, bring in the opposite -water. A picture of ‘water’ hung over-top of a fireplace will actually minimize the fire element! (Don’t do this if you NEED a fire element for Fame, or to boost your Abundance area.)

  1. As for the kids: I asked Sandy to show me a picture of her daughter and she showed me an image of a little girl on a swing. Great picture, but what does her daughter look like now?


When I heard from Sandy on our Follow-Up call, she was feeling so much better! She was ‘almost ready to go back to work’! 

~ Sandy LOVES her new fireplace! After we toned everything down, she confided that she’d been thinking to rip the whole fireplace out of the house! 

~ She cleaned up her dead patio and brought in some colourful flower baskets that she could handle. This really lifted her spirits!

~ Lastly, Sandy produced a current image of her daughter and boyfriend. (She admitted she wasn’t thrilled with the boyfriend.) By accepting that her daughter has grown up and has a life; it is a big step. Interesting, Sandy’s daughter called her within a few days of displaying the new photo in her Family Area! ((SMILE))


Life is full of surprises! The world is changing all around us, and we have to be prepared. Using feng shui to help organize your life and learn coping skills for change CAN help you maneuver through life’s storms ahead.

Sandy’s story is one that I’m very pleased to share with you!

Enjoy your journey, Kathryn 🙂 

Kathryn Wilking can give you Practical Solutions to Change Your Luck!

** Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and a Feng Shui Consultant. She delivers ‘practical solutions to life’s problems’. Are you thinking of a personal consultation? Or, perhaps you know of a group or associate that would enjoy a lively talk or workshop?

As an active Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild, Kathryn is available for private consultations, talks and workshops. Check out her book ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Office’ and connect with her through

Kathryn has a gentle way of manipulating energy to help find balance and flow in each situation. You can trust her with your concerns. Contact her for an Inquiry Chat to find out how feng shui can help you:

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About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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