
Be Seen, For the Holidays!


Holiday Display Lighting at Van Deusen Gardens, BC


This season, when we are in the darkest months, is the best time for a Feng Shui Explosion! Feng Shui can help you place all your holiday bling in the right place!

~ Make the holiday work in your favor!

And yet, let’s not make this season an endless chore list!

What does your holiday ‘normal’ feel like for you? Are you following the routine and tradition of ‘those who came before you’, or, can you branch out a bit?


Hanging house decorations can certainly ‘lift the spirit’ this month. Strings of lights, shiny objects as well as a Christmas tree or Hanukkah bush can ‘raise the bar’. Use reds and golds to boost chi-energy and turn up those lights!

Lights and Bling will help you be seen in Wealth, Family and Fame.

Some larger items, such as trees in the living room, are capable of ‘taking over’ in a small room; I believe this is planned (!) Any yet, every room in the house could benefit raising holiday cheer by displaying something smaller; look for a size-appropriate table ornament for your guest room or office; you can even hang a decoration from a lamp. -I found a soap dispenser in the shape of a snowman for the guest bathroom.

Change happens every year as the kids get older, the family gets bigger and decorations need an upgrade. Is it time to rotate some of the holiday bling for a change? Can you bring in new items to look at that will blend with traditional pieces? Some families prefer natural items for quiet grounding, and for others, shiny objects can be very uplifting.

Enhancements need to be seen, in order to work for you!

Outdoor lights can also raise the chi for the whole neighbor; great lights can invite good chi-energy to your home! A little caution with the yard ornaments: be sure they don’t block the front door, your address or the pathway to your property.

Cards and gifts are always appreciated. I love to save them and re-read these best wishes right into January, and yet, many people can’t wait to clean up and drop them into recycling. If I save my cards, I re-purpose them for the next year: cut off the front and re-use these pictures as gift tags!

Display greeting cards in the Family/Wealth area; place thank-you cards in Fame.

Wealth and Abundance has many definitions; placing cards or notes of good-will does enhance the feeling of having an abundance of good wishes in the right spot! Fame and Recognition is important for self-esteem; it is okay to display thank-you notes and draw attention to yourself.

Good Deeds are encouraged year round. We can set an example for our next generation; time to look up from the screen and extend an arm to others.  The little ‘Secret Santa’ games seem a bit lame, but these activities do require you to interact with others at home and at work. Good Deeds go farther than opening doors and smiling at strangers. This is your quiet fame; the year to volunteer in the community, sing in a choir or donate to a favorite charity. The Dali Llama talks about extending ‘human kindness’ all year ‘round, and yet, many don’t know how to put out the effort.

As someone who has seen amazing feats of clutter, often accumulated by guilt, gifting items need more thought than you think. Choose items that are rather ‘safe’; you won’t have to worry about sizes, or disappointment.

On behalf of the planet: Please do not contribute to other’s clutter.

Try not to gift anything that needs to be dusted or tended to in any way!

If you feel you need to bring ‘something’, I suggest gifting items that can be consumed or somewhat useful for the occasion:

  • Flowers for the Host of an event
  • Candles, tea lights or fire log
  • Chocolates of any kind
  • Food of any kind: appetizers, home-baked cookies, cakes or preserves
  • Seasonal, festive tea towels; wrap the gift item with these
  • Colorful paper napkins for the crowd; no need to wash
  • Ice for drinks; or to keep things cool
  • A quiche or sweet buns for breakfast the next day

The host will love you for just being aware of their position ‘to host’! – Always receive with a gracious tone no matter what this item is. If you do receive something that doesn’t work into your life, for any reason, it is OKAY to pass this along. Please do not keep this item for another year or two wondering what to do with it. Clutter is so easily accumulated, and like other areas of your life, should be addressed when needed.


Take note of the yin and yang of the holidays; It can be confusing. “Don’t buy anything to dust, and then, look for ways to enhance the home for prosperity!” Hmm… Balance is the key. If you have ornaments you LOVE, plan to pack them off-season neatly and store in a clean, dry area. Be reasonable with your purchases and remove unused items from your house.

When planning your holiday time this year, explain to others what is important to you. If you are hosting an event, you can voice an opinion; let’s believe others will listen.

Is it time to rotate the location for the holiday meal? Is it okay to cut back on the requisite gifts and frills, and celebrate simpler times?

Only you can initiate these changes.

Being seen, and respected, is important; ask for help when you need it. Feng Shui, and the ever present chi-energy is working for you over the celebrations ahead.

Enjoy your holidays,


Need to know more about the Auspicious Areas of Life? Download your own Bagua grid for the Nine Areas of Life:


Ba'Gua Table

Kathryn is a Feng Shui Consultant, Home Stager and Author; relocated to Simcoe County (near Barrie) in Ontario; formerly based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kathryn is available for your home or office makeover through Home Visits, Computer Face 2 Face and Floor Plan Analysis. Or, ask her a question through Ask Kathryn. She’s had extensive experience with raising a family, home and business relocation and renovations.

Life is a stage! Practical Solutions for Life creates safe and happy environments.

– Everyone should love their home!

Kathryn provides informative talks to organizations and host workshops for small groups. For more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space, check out her website:

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style! Would you like to chat with Kathryn? No charge for 15 min questions about how Feng Shui can work for you:

#kathrynwilking #fengshui #practicalsolutions #empowerment #qiologypro #consciouschange

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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