
Can Feng Shui Cure Depression?


Arranging your space ‘to work for you’ has immediate benefits!

Feng Shui works with energy in all people, things and in the environment. Being conscious of what is going on around you is imperative as all-things can affect one’s well-being.

Arranging your space to ‘work for you’ does work!

Feng Shui uses many tools to make change in an environment. Some people explain this as manipulation. Agreed! The trick is to use ‘manipulation’ for good intentions; the motivation is self-care.

The tools used in Feng Shui when we ‘cure’ a space are logical and simple to apply. This includes an umbrella of things: colour therapy, ergonomics, interior design, birth charts, numerology, astrology, meditation, prayers and other energy products.

Let me ask you: 

‘If you could rearrange your space to ‘feel better, get rid of the headaches’,

lower blood pressure and find the energy you lost years ago; 

Would you like to dive deeper and learn more about Feng Shui?’

You may have noticed the stress-level in society today continues to rise.

Could it be caused by the endless loop of ‘bad news’ hanging over us like a cloud? Or, perhaps it is ‘air conditioning’; a poor version of fresh air that prevents us from working to our full potential. Many artificial smells and chemicals actually prevent us from having a full clean, deep breath to cleans and fuel the body. – No wonder so many people feel they are exhausted and worn out.

Are drugs that answer? That is up for debate.

The good news is: Another tool I found is all about mindset!

There is a sliding scale, or ladder if you prefer.

The ladder to nirvana!

I used this ladder when I was in Vancouver. We moved there for a 2 year assignment for my husband’s company; then, stayed there for 12 years. (!) The last two years, I was contemplating my exit plan! We were there too long! All of our family was back in Ontario, the boys had moved away and I was tired of living in a big city with so much noise, traffic and rain.

(No matter what you think, every city has it’s issues. As well, every city has it’s own vibration; you either love it, put up with it or move.)

I used this ladder many times to help ‘lift my vibration’ before I spoke with clients and interacted with the public.

It’s called the Emotional Ladder.

The idea is to focus on yourself, and choose a level of emotion on the ladder – depending on how you feel today.

You’ll see right away that (most likely) you have not hit ‘rock bottom’! And, you’ll also see the next emotion on the ladder to strive for; to pull yourself up the rung one by one!

It’s amazing actually. The energy from working with, and recognizing these emotions, is very similar to Feng Shui. Like a detective: identifying what is going on, where you are, and where you wish to be!

We are all human, with normal concerns and different perspectives. No matter what is going on, every day is different. Whether we are struggling with grief, anxiety or other issues this affects our sleep. And then, with poor sleep, one is unable to function and make sound decisions. Depression sets in. Some people spend years waiting for circumstances to change.

Trying to be productive at home doesn’t work if you haven’t cultivated supports in your environment.

There’s a rung on the ladder of this chart between boredom and contentment that I’ve pondered in the past; quite enlightening.

  • ‘Boredom’ for me, means that I’m waiting for something, wasting time; and I want to keep moving.
  • If I stop moving, I can find ‘contentment’. It appears as quiet, gratitude and belief that I’m moving in the right direction.

Appreciating and recognizing a range of emotions, I was able to answer: ‘What is going to help me thrive?’. I was able to find a new place to live where my family and all my Feng Shui tools can flourish and prosper!

Yes, Feng Shui and related energy tools can help you shake that heaviness and climb the ladder to be a better you. Rise to the occasion!

-The Power to Go Forth and Prosper!

Enjoy your unique day, everyday!

Warmth, Kathryn

Note: This Emotional Ladder was given to me by the late Milena Cerin.

If you’d like a PDF copy of the Emotional Ladder: COPY and PASTE into WORD or equivalent program

Life is a stage! Set yourself up for SUCCESS! Her goal is to make your environment support you!

– Everyone should love their home and their career choice!

NEW CLASSES in small groups are forming now! Please inquire for next months enrollment!

Cultivate & Expect only the best for yourself! ~ Kathryn 

The book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style! Would you like to chat with Kathryn?

No charge to inquire about how Feng Shui can work for you:


About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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I want to Thank You very much for helping me put up my pictures before all the festivities. (Chinese New Year) It was nice to have your expertise in placing the pictures in the right place, so we have good feng sui.

I love coming home; it is such a safe, calming retreat for me.

With Thanks

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