
Can I use my grandmother’s favourite mirror for Feng Shui cures?

Q: I was given my favourite grandmother’s old oval mirror. It has some fancy carvings along the edge of the glass and some of the silver has been scraped on the back. Can I use this mirror for feng shui cures?

A: I love the fact that you have a mirror from your grandmother! Anytime you accept a used item from anyone, be sure that YOU LOVE THE ITEM, and second, that the item comes from a person you respect and trust. Don’t ever accept any guilt ridden items into your house!

Go ahead and display this mirror with love, admiration and respect from your favourite grandmother.

First and foremost, it is always best to bring great energy and great karma into a house. As the mirror is a bit imperfect (because of the scrapes on the back) it may not be able to ‘cure’ your problem. I’m not sure what you are trying to ‘cure’ but, if you are not getting the results you desire, please call me directly. There may be other options for you to explore.

Contemplate the placement of any mirror. A reflection of the back of a staircase or a dead corner will not be inspirational. A mirror needs to reflect something pleasant; bring the light in from the outside, accent a display, or make the room appear to be larger than it is.

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

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