The month of January is one of the darkest months; And, usually, there isn’t anything special going on. However, this year Chinese New Year will be celebrated over the next two weeks beginning Jan 28, 2017! (You get a second chance to make resolutions!)
Yep… the January blahs can set in. It happens every year. The celebratory joy, festivities and social activities from last month are history. You may feel housebound. You may feel heavy; perhaps from wearing too many…
Placing a ceiling fan over a bed can be detrimental to your health! If you are having restless, sleepless nights, have a look UP at your ceiling.
Many ceiling fans are purchased with the logic that these items can save you money on air conditioning. True. But, are there other hidden costs?
In Feng shui, any item hanging over head is considered a no-no. Your sub-conscious is always aware of ‘something’ overhead. (This includes books, vases, knick-knacks, pots and…
Q: Hi Kathryn, Feng shui is supposed to help with a good nights sleep. Which is the best direction to face the bed? Thanks.
A: This is a great question! I haven’t addressed this issue with my newsletter followers, as I’ve been focusing on business. YET, we all do need a good night’s REST.
Some feng shui practitioners use the compass school to sort out the ‘best direction’ to sleep. While this system works, I find that many families do…
Q: Kathryn, I’m an entrepreneur who quit my boring job in the corporate world only 10 months ago. The issues I’m having with technology, passwords, updates, viruses and social media take up all day! I don’t have an IT GUY at home to help. I’m thinking of punching out my PC and going back to work. Can feng shui help me?
A: You do sound frustrated. I hear you. Working alone without full-time IT support can be frustrating!
Should you…
Q: Hi Kathryn! My husband and I are doing some earthquake preparations out here on the west coast. The booklet suggests we have a pair of boots under the bed for quick evacuation should this happen while sleeping. I heard it was bad feng shui to leave shoes and boots under the bed, especially for a long time. What do you think? Amy
A: You are correct! Leaving boots and shoes under the bed is a no-no! The rational in…
This is the LAST DAY to get YOUR FREE COPY! Are you too busy to sit down and read a whole book? Business issues rattling around in your head? This could be the best advice for YOU! This booklet is intended for busy entrepreneurs who find it hard to sit down and read an entire book.
SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK: **FREE** Check Out the Book Promotion Here… I’d love to to leave a comment on Amazon! Thank you!
Much of the Wealth Area focus has been indoors; regarding your desk, chair and assorted items related to monetary goals and fame. You may be failing to include a bigger picture…. your property outside. This spring may be the time to give a boost to this area – and get it working for you!
The property you live on, regardless of how big, how small, it is an extension of you and the family. The outside of your property can…
Q: Hi Kathryn, Can you tell me more about the Money frog? I heard they were lucky for wealth in feng shui so I bought one with a gold coin in his mouth. My hairdresser has one facing away from the door, and my naturpath has one on her desk facing towards the door of her office. Are these different frogs? Which way should I face the frog?
A: Good question. Yes, there is conflicting information out there! The…
The Powerful Influence of Deep Water
A large majority of our senior population are water-people.
The majority of ‘deep water’ individuals are hard workers and have experienced many of life’s hard lessons. In earlier years, they may have been a strong earth or metal element; a sensitive nurturer or a technical whiz in their profession. Now they bring a plethora of knowledge to any situation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we can look to them for guidance and direction.…
They are blooming and available everywhere right now!
Beautiful, as well as auspicious, the orchid can be used to enhance many areas in your life!
I frequently recommend an orchid ‘boost’, when I’m doing a feng shui consultation. The positive energy of this flower is very strong.
~ An orchid can be uplifting in a hard, cold office; place one on your desk.
~ An orchid can gather people together in a kitchen or dining area; place it in…
Kathryn applies all her knowledge of Feng Shui to your personality with such positive enthusiasm while showing you directions to enhance your environment for the home or office. Her book, Practical Feng Shui, provides great examples suited to your personal needs and why they may work to improve your situation.