I have a unique perspective, studying feng shui as an outsider: caucasian, tall and blond.
As an outsider, I’m referring that I did not grow up with a grandmother or a master of feng shui. Instead, I developed my logic of feng shui from a fresh perspective. I asked a lot of questions, considered the answers, and then asked more questions.
When I called for my first feng shui consultant back in 1998, I was trying to blend a…
Many of your already know about the Change Book Series that is marching across the globe!
This is the fastest growing personal growth organization in the world! There are now 10 books featuring 200 authors in 20 countries!
I am in Book 9! The number is a lucky number in feng shui and also happens to be my personal ‘lucky’ number. I am delighted to be part of a group that is promoting empowerment across the globe. Together there is…
Are you a lucky person? -Anytime you can have an advantage, consider it lucky!
Some people carry a rabbit’s foot, others have a piece of clothing to wear on ‘special days’. And many fly by the seat-of-their-pants waiting for a ‘lucky break’. Can you manipulate the odds to attract luck into your life? Or, can you calculate the odds and find advantage in each situation?
Feng shui is all about the energy. Chi-energy is present in every…
To Recap the workshop last Friday November 13th, 2015:
Re: Taking Command: ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Entrepreneur!’
We had a great time last week at the workshop! People came into Vancouver all the way from Lion’s Bay! All participants are now armed with the tools they need for SUCCESS next year! So, watch for more leading entrepreneurs on the horizon!
Here are some comments about the workshop:
Q: What was the biggest impact or lesson you learned today?
Join me for a half day Feng Shui workshop for entrepreneurs and business owners at FLUFF Rentals in Vancouver.
This is the ONLY public workshop I’m holding this Fall!
Take advantage of my special offer:
BUY ONE ticket and receive a SECOND one for FREE! Plus receive a free copy of my book: ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Office’
Riding out the Drought
Imagine that you are settled into your business: you have a game plan, doing what you need to do, following what the clients’ needs are… and something changes.
Your cash flow gets interrupted and there’s been a shift in the industry. The leads have dried up and a few related businesses have died on the vine. You’re still okay, and you are still standing. But what happened? Hmmm. It’s time to look around.
And, you are…
Ask Kathryn
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for taking the time to look at my office.
I work in Toronto at an administrative building close to the U of T. The buildings are old, old, old and sliced into skinny offices with high ceilings; think of the Harry Potter series with dark wood, heavy trim and windows up about 16 or 20’. My office is only 10-12 feet wide and about 30’ long with a window at the end.
SUCCESS can found in so many areas!
Set yourself up for SUCCESS every day, and reap the rewards!
I had an opportunity to hire a team using the Feng Shui Energy Elements again this past spring. My client wanted to test a new venue to see if their footwear could sell in a casual, nonthreatening environment.
I had restrictions with signage and advertising as we were part of a larger group. Therefore, I had to change my plan:…
Today we have Pre-War Traditionalists, Post-war/baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (where did they go?) and the Millenniums, all walking the earth at the same time! Can we all learn to communicate and get along?
Each generation older or younger than you has experienced different influences in the world that have formed their lives; with different technology, new inventions to use, new parenting techniques to adopt, etc.
I remember my son and his friend at the old family cottage,…
Focus on Your Foundation by Kathryn Wilking
(Previously released in the January 2015 edition of The Art of Balance.)
So, since 2015 will be about grounding and getting back to basics, what is your key focus or purpose this year? If you had to choose one thing to really focus on, what would that be?
How do we make goals each year, make predictions for growth
and learn to recognize successes?
Start with what is important to YOU:
Children: their…
I have a few more questions (after the Home Harmony visit) about things but I’ll start off with an update. I am feeling very good and my space feels very good and fresh as well. I am loving the new layout with my desk and I just got rid of one of my chairs yesterday. The new spaces for the art feels right. I’ve decluttered the area behind my desk, and I’ve made a few beautiful little touch-ups in my bedroom to hopefully attract some more wealth! No further on the job search because I’m j… Read more