Category: Feng Shui Basics

Saving the Wasps

     We all know that the bees and wasps are THE BEST POLLINATORS we have on the planet. I make an effort to SAVE and RESPECT every life form. When we moved into a new space last August, there were wasps hanging around the front entrance to our home. We had numerous movers, contractors and helpers coming in and out, all mentioning the ‘bees out front’. It would appear that they were crawling in under the facia boards over…

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Feng Shui for Love & Solid Relationships

Feng Shui for Love & Solid Relationships When there is harmony in a home, the positive energy ripples through your relationships, career, health, your car and everything you touch!  I offer custom- tailored options so that you can BE happy, healthy and in harmony when cultivating an amazing lifestyle for life! I invite you to learn more with this NEW Book (15 pages PDF) What’s in the book? February is the month of LOVE, yet, we need to connect harmoniously…

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Talk about Intuition

It’s a New Age, so let’s sharpen some of your skills! Today we talk about intuition; a little bit of woo-woo. What is intuition anyways? It’s a way of knowing. Some people know through their gut. You’ve heard this old saying- trust your gut. Intuiting is a practice. Practice makes perfect. When people ask me personally about intuition, I describe it as an antenna setting off an alarm! Ding-ding-ding! For serious issues, I often turn to the pendulum or dousing…

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Lost Your Phone- again?

Lost your phone or keys-again? Forgot what you’re looking for? How DOES THIS HAPPEN! There is an explanation!!! You are not crazy! Here’s the deal, it’s all about doorways and thresholds. You see, there’s a subconscious act going on, an action to keep us safe. Let me explain. Whenever you move from room to room, your brain is relaying that you are going into a new environment; so, your ‘spidey-sense’ tunes into the new space. This also explains a trick…

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Reconnect With Fire

Nothing beats the warm coziness of a fireplace. Why are we so fascinated with campfires, barbeques, and fireworks; so much that we wish to bring fire into our homes? Fire and fireplaces have been part of our lives as long as man has been cooking their own food. In the past, a fire would bring us not only warmth, but nourishment for cooked food and afterwards, ambiance. Any ‘fire’ brings people together. In our modern day life, the actual ‘fire’…

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Feng Shui for Healthy Eating

Three Tips that Make Sense! Feng shui works in many areas of life! If you are happy, well balanced and in a loving relationship, your body will help to regular your ‘needs’, inside and out! In this crazy works we live in, there are SO MANY distractions, AD’s and advice everywhere telling us what we SHOULD eat, drink and do! Let’s release all this confusing energy! Q: Can Feng Shui help to keep us healthy and fit? A: Feng shui…

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Life is Like a Deck of Cards

Life is Like a Deck of Cards  I have fond memories of visiting Grandma and Grandad to stay overnight; we’d always play cards. They are the ones who taught us kids how to play rummy, cribbage, king’s corners and more. They taught us about taking turns and patience with other players. (The wilder Euchre games came later.) Playing Cards can teach you a lot about life! When my son was small, I’d play with a smaller number of cards and…

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Take Control with a DEEP DIVE

No matter what size your house is, it takes time to clean and maintain a home. I often talk about renew, reuse and reframe when helping people to shake things off and make the shift to new ways of thinking and living. And, I do follow these principles myself! It’s not necessary to toss everything out, but it is important to re-evaluate everything in your environment regularly. How regularly? Sometimes, it is good idea to have a regular pattern or…

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Feng Shui Fridays!

Feng Shui Fridays are BACK! GOOD Vibes, CHANGE Lives  for health, home and relationships!  Join the chat on Fridays at 1:00 PM Eastern Time! Sign up today! It’s absolutely FREE TO JOIN! Why join us now? I’ve noticed much of the world is very fearful, negative and conflicting at this time. Feng Shui helped me through many rough patches over the years; now it’s time for me to share and give back. Many people are experiencing fatigue, frustration and even…

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MysticMag Interview

Kathryn’s Interview with MysticMag  “Sarah Kirton of South Africa reports for MysticMag; a global magazine connected with many other services. Check out her latest publication where I expand on the wonders of Feng Shui.” – Kathryn Change the Function & Flow in Your life with Kathryn Wilking Sarah Kirton  Contributor Published On August 06, 2024 Kathryn Wilking is a certified Feng Shui practitioner who approaches her work like a detective, seeking practical solutions to bring balance and harmony to her…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Great Chat today! Thank YOU so much. The show was a blast and I hope useful to your listeners and to generate your following too! I always enjoy talking with you! Will grab the recording URL and share tonnes.

Samantha Plovie
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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