Category: Feng Shui Basics


Communicating with Other Generations

  Today we have Pre-War Traditionalists, Post-war/baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (where did they go?) and the Millenniums, all walking the earth at the same time!  Can we all learn to communicate and get along? Each generation older or younger than you has experienced different influences in the world that have formed their lives; with different technology, new inventions to use, new parenting techniques to adopt, etc. I remember my son and his friend at the old family cottage,…

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A Family, Void of Clutter

    The dilemma:   How many hobbies can we start up at once? How many ‘collectibles’ can we display?How to find the balance of how much ‘stuff’ one can handle at one time? And, how much room we need to store memorabilia? Where is the line?  When we de-clutter to the extreme, we deprive ourselves of the memories, incentives and items that feed our soul. Hmmm… I consulted in a home recently that was void of any clutter, whatsoever! There…

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Chaos Management 101

  Did I read this right? Can you learn to manage chaos? Yes, if you can maintain a handle on your priorities! I received a phone call last week from a middle-aged lady who was recently in a car accident. She is fortunate enough not to need require a wheelchair or multiple surgeries, but she is ‘off work’ for an extended length of time. She explains that she is ‘not doing anything, yet her life feels out of control’. She…

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Helping Hands

Most people place emphasis on cultivating Wealth, Health and Relationships when working with the feng shui bagua; This article explores an often overlooked section of the bagua, ‘Helpful People’. Often referred to as HP & T (Helpful People and Travel), this area is situated in the immediate right corner as you walk in the main door. It is associated with your relationships and transactions in the outside world. Neglecting to prepare this area for smooth interactions can lead to miscommunication,…

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The Littlest Buddha

The Littlest Buddha The little guy is barely 3” high (7cm), solid jade and full of life! He was acquired on impulse. I am a Christian, and yet I’ve explored many of the Buddhist philosophies within the study of feng shui. I had no intention of bringing a Buddha into my house, converting to Buddhism or starting a shrine. So, I’m a little reluctant to admit how much I am enjoying his company. I was in a busy Jade Factory…

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Living with Poison Arrows… can Harm Your Health

Bad feng shui: Is there such a thing? Simply put: if anything is out-of-square, out-of-line, or in-the-way, it is bad feng shui. I hate using the word ‘bad’; but often, that is what it is, bad feng shui. If a space feels good to you, then don’t worry. If it doesn’t feel good: look around and see if there is something you can change. I’m happy when people are empowered to make a change! I think it is great when…

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Focus on Your Foundation

Focus on Your Foundation by Kathryn Wilking (Previously released in the January 2015 edition of The Art of Balance.) So, since 2015 will be about grounding and getting back to basics, what is your key focus or purpose this year? If you had to choose one thing to really focus on, what would that be? How do we make goals each year, make predictions for growth and learn to recognize successes? Start with what is important to YOU: Children: their…

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Change Course and Revise Your Goals

Time is moving fast! We are moving into another season and you didn’t accomplish what you set out to do last year! Could the wind be out of your sails! Is it time to regroup and turn around? I personally know how hard it is to fine-tune goals at the beginning of the year. We’ve had a rest over the New Year, met new people and had exciting conversations! Then, the adrenaline starts to flow: YES! I CAN DO THIS!…

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Ask Kathryn: Lucky Bamboo outgrows its container

  Ask Kathryn: ‘Lucky Bamboo’ outgrows its container. Q: What happens to ‘lucky bamboo’ when it outgrows the container? Do I throw it out? What happens if you throw out ‘lucky bamboo’? Is that bad luck? A: If you have a very dead or dying plant it can’t be enhancing an area for you anymore, right? Like any feng shui ‘cure’ or ‘enhancement’ placed in an area, sometimes they just run-their-course. It is okay to say goodbye to your dead…

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Ask Kathryn: A boy who wont sleep in his bedroom.

Ask Kathryn: A boy who won’t sleep in his bedroom. Q: Kathryn, my 6 yr old son just refuses to sleep in his own room. Last fall, we repainted his room and bought new, fun sheets. I read an article about not decorating with super heroes and heavy energy. We hung a beautiful mirror in his room. He still won’t sleep in his room, and he hates the mirror. Can feng shui help here? A: Absolutely! First of all, you…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn is a pleasure to work with, and I’m honoured to have been a guest on her show. She made the process really easy and it felt more like a fireside chat with a girlfriend then a radio interview, which made it both fun and dynamic! Kathryn offers a wonderful platform for sharing her deep expertise, and those of her guests, to help listeners truly find Practical Solutions For Life.

Michela Quilici
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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