Category: General Musings

Good Vibes in the Bedroom

  Good Vibes in the Bedroom by Kathryn Wilking We all know how ‘sacred’ the master bedroom is; but is it getting the attention it really needs for a solid relationship? Often the master bedroom is the last room to get any attention! In feng shui, the main objective of the ‘relationship area’ is to have this area balanced in order to maintain an equal partnership.  The master bed should be large enough to support both parties, without a crack…

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Kissing Couple

Avoiding the Valentine Syndrome

Avoiding the Valentine Syndrome Okay, it is almost here again this year: Valentine’s Day. This day is almost guaranteed to bring mental anguish to a confident, productive executive.  So, what is this all about? It is supposed to be, a declaration or validation of love between two people. And, the media tells us we need to be running around looking for the perfect gift! The hype is often over-the-top and unrealistic for regular couples. So, why is this concept difficult…

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Crack a Smile!

  Crack a Smile and Make Your Day! Some days, like today as I write this, it is really difficult to crawl out of bed. The snowdrops are poking their heads up but the sunny mornings are still so far away.  In these dark and gloomy months we need to take care of ourselves. Being in charge is important in feng shui; so make something happen. I like to share a few things that could make you smile today. Have…

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Dreaming Your Life Away?

  Dreaming Your Life Away? Do you see a face in these clouds? This is the statue of Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion. She seems to have an omnipotent presence in the sky beside her. Is this a message for her or to us? What does this say to you? Take a look overhead today and see what the clouds are doing. Stretch your imagination. Serious daydreamers are extremely creative! They replay scenarios, conjure up delightful solutions to problems…

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The Little Buddha

The Little Buddha This little guy is barely 3” high (7cm), solid jade and full of life! He was acquired on impulse. I am a Christian, and yet I’ve explored many of the Buddhist philosophies within the study of feng shui. I had no intention of bringing a Buddha into my house, converting to Buddhism or starting a shrine. So, I’m a little reluctant to admit how much I am enjoying his company. I was in a busy Jade Factory…

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Stop the Madness!

Stop the Madness …the short version It was only a few years ago that we were dealing with our own renovation. Is was a complicated ordeal dealing with dry rot and removal of our east wall; then to rebuild the kitchen, two bathrooms and the upper deck. I still have nightmares about ‘Living Under a Blue Tarp’ , ‘Where is the Microwave Today?’ and then ‘Sanity Still Prevails!’ When the year of continuous disruptions had past, the frame- of- mind…

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The Nine Areas of Life: Finding the Balance

Life is more than the routine work/home/sleep cycle. Whether we realize it or not, our lives are sorted into a plethora of accountabilities; personal areas, health and family, children, relationships, creative hobbies, spiritual growth, continuing education and learning, domestic chores, holidays, crisis management, hockey or soccer games and personal recreation. This is a lot to maintain! For personal growth and optimum health one needs to find the balance. Feng shui has a tool called the ba-gua, which divides the life…

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The Milking Stool

  The Milking Stool It always surprises me, when a well-grounded couple gets thrown off balance. The issue is often so trivial, you wonder what the heck was that all about. In my case, just last week, the issue was a milking stool! My husband is an earth-personality. He likes to collect memorabilia, antiques and unique items. He holds them all very dear to his heart. In the case of the milking stool, it was originally his great-grandmother’s, from the…

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Ask Kathryn: Flow in the Living Room

Q: I’ve just given my daughter two chairs from our living room. This room has always felt crowded and now it still doesn’t work. Where do I start? Is there a formula for arranging a living room? A: The starting point is; what is the room used for? Depending on the answer, that is how to determine how much furniture you actually need. Then, decide if there is a focal point; a TV, fireplace or a nice view. A simple…

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Laughing Yoga

  My husband and I recently attended a Laughing Yoga Workshop. The question: “What is Laughing Yoga?” was still in our minds as we walked into the room. It turns out that ‘laughing’, itself, can be classified as ‘cardio exercise’; as you use your diaphragm and lungs to the fullest when applying a good full-belly laugh. Good to know! Sitting in a circle of about 16 strangers, it would appear that no one was going to talk, let alone laugh…

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Wow Kathryn! I just finished your book and it is FULL of great advice, along with many of the Feng Shui principles that I hadn’t been aware of, which made perfect sense! I also took your PEP test and I was quite surprised at how it nailed my personality to a ‘T’. The way you explain Feng Shui, it’s purpose and how we can utilize it in the workplace as well as in our home environment, certainly has given me some valuable information to implement and use to be proactive in creating a bette… Read more

Sherry Brantley
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

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