Water has it’s own Healing Qualities
Water is a formless substance that contains endless possibilities. It is the residence of emotions, intuition and inspiration, and, it can be a symbol for birth, death and creativity. Wow!
Yin and yang extremes are easy to explain when referring to water.
Water in an aggressive form (yang), can cause a lot of damage. It can wash out dams and piers, swamp boats, erode the coastline, and has taken many to their deaths.…
The Messenger
Flowers have always been great sources of energy and inspiration. We use them to express love, sympathy, friendship and more. Flowers can raise the energy on any occasion. The fragrances, the herbal qualities, the colour and imagery serve as powerful sources of energy. All plants and trees that flower are recognized as ‘enhancements’, as they are symbolic of hidden wisdom and joys that can be brought into the individual’s life.
A recent experience in my life: my…
Survival During Construction
I’ve always counselled my clients to find a ‘Safe Spot’ for themselves when tackling a renovation in their home. Think of it as a ‘nest’, just for you; a space that is not part of the reno where you can breathe, think and rest.
Well, the latest home reno for us was the roof! So, where does one go to ‘hide’ and seek solitude while this is going on? There is pounding on the roof in every…
The Dark Side
Some people have an impression of dark or black as being mysterious, eerie or scary. Not so, according to Feng Shui.
The darkness actually represents yin energy: a slower pace. It can help calm the mind, and allow you to rest when needed. Dark coloured things can be ‘grounding’ and can suggest calmness in order for you to pay attention and make sound decisions. Wearing dark coloured clothing can reinforce a sober mood when dealing with finances,…
Lucky Bamboo
The Bamboo is often referred to as ‘lucky’ in Chinese Cultures. It is fast growing, hearty and has a mulitple of uses. When gathered in groups, the number of stalks can have different meanings and bring strength to different situations.
One of my favorites is the ‘group of three’, also discussed in the latest newsletter. Three is for the trinity, the family and cooperation. The arrangement here has three bamboo stalks. If you are familiar with the…
Can feng shui help with depression?
Yes, it can!
Depression is often triggered when people are focusing on the past. Many are dealing with the ‘empty nest syndrome’. Or, it could be regrets of I could’ve, should’ve, would’ve ….
Whatever it is: something is out of sorts in the present.
To initiate change in your life, you need to change something. Change can be as simple as bringing flowers or colours into the home, reaching for a favourite scarf or…
I called Kathryn Wilking to help plan my recovery after surgery.
Before meeting Kathryn, I had just purchased a beautiful condominium on the water. I chose this area for healing purposes as I have been seriously hurt in a car accident and require a perfect space for healing.
Kathryn prepared a wonderful, personal booklet/session describing the best arrangements, placement, materials, colours, etc to my space and I implemented these specific details.