Category: General Musings

Clutter Habit Cues

Clutter Habit Cues Relating to Your Personal Element Ever wondered why some people can thrive in a messy world, and others need a system? Your personality reveals your unique clutter habits! Learning how to maintain the clutter in your life will certainly help keep the clutter bugs away! Your clutter habits relate to the element characteristics: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. ~ If you relate to the descriptions below in only one element, chances are this is your dominant…

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Snow White; A Metaphysical Tale

I wanted to do something playful today. I’m going share the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…this time a metaphysical interpretation. Much of this insight/interpretation is taken from the writings of Florence Shovel Shinn 1870- 1938; her teachings are still relevant today. It’s amazing how this story-movie, a fairy story, swept New York and the whole country back in 1928. The fairy tale was supposed to be for children, and yet, you know that many fairy tales are…

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Earth Mama’s Can Cook

Earth Mama’s Can Cook Are you the type of person that loves to stay in the kitchen when having guests over? You’re the one who loves to nurture, love to give and love to share! You CAN COOK! And yet, other people, are more comfortable on the other side of the counter! Some people just love to watch others enjoy the food, laugh as they chat and are more social-oriented, greeting others they haven’t seen in a while. It’s all…

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The Magic of Fire Elements

  Summer time is all about excitement, laughter, sunshine and being outside! When fall arrives, we venture inside. And yet, we still need the Fire-element in our lives. We NEED the spark! What draws us this to this light, this spark, this mesmerizing element? The fire-element is no-doubt the most exciting element!   It’s bright! It’s light! And, the fire-energy moves upwards! You can’t help yourself; it commands attention away from all the other elements! Outside, you many be drawn…

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Allure of Water

Good Morning! What draws us to water? All water. Well, we are 95% water. And yes, it can very soothing and calming to the soul… Check out water-element items in your backyard, and home and see if water can enhance your favorite places. More about the influences of Water People: Water-people Have Deep Influence  …

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Lucky? Maybe yes, maybe no!

Hi! I was reminded last week of an old parable from WAY Back. I can’t remember the original source. But thought I’d share… It‘s about optimism, but yet, not taking things for granted either. An old farmer, Joe, decades ago had a farm helper in the form of a large cow. The townspeople all thought he was very lucky to have such a healthy animal to help him on the farm. Farmer : “Maybe yes, Maybe no”. One night, the…

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Take Back the Lost Weekend

Can you relate? We all know the feeling of ‘losing the weekend’ to chores, obligations and guilt visits. How does feng shui help with this? I received a call from Tara this past week, expressing that she’s a bit down running the household and that she feels she’s ‘missing out’ on the fun every weekend. It seems the chores, the dishes, the shopping are overwhelming. Feng Shui talks about the energy; ‘balancing’ the energy in all areas: self, others, the…

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Room by Room Rescue

Room By Room Rescue with the Five Elements  Are you still struggling to figure out the flow in  your space and WHAT to do about it? How to figure this out?  There is an easy way to move through the house ‘enhancing’ and ‘boosting’ your space!  ~Taking charge of your space will cultivate the strength you need to ‘weather the storms ahead’; and believe me, there’s more in life to come! This 8 week COURSE is all about cultivating supports…

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Profit Concierge

We are talking today on Feng Shui Your Day with my special guest today Pam Prior!    Profit Concierge Pam Prior brings finance to her fellow entrepreneurs in an approachable, joyful, and engaging way; clearing the path for them to unleash their cash flow and kick-start the business engines. Pam is committed to transforming entrepreneurial finance and accounting from ‘nightmare to best friend’ for her clients and audiences of all sizes; and has been described as everything from “CFO Quarterback”…

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Clearing Clutter Tips

  Good morning! We’ve been talking about thinking positive and moving forwards in life. Taking charge of the things we can, to make life just a bit better for one more day. Feng Shui isn’t just about gold coins and flowers…and certainly, it’s not about throwing things OUT. It’s about maintaining a positive function and flow in your environment in order to thrive in life, not just survive! You see we are very visual human beings. Taking care of ourselves,…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


We hired Kathryn to provide a Feng Shui consultation to improve the energy in our home, for all family members, and to improve our business which we operate from home. We did an extensive search online for all of the Feng Shui Consultants in the Vancouver area. We phoned several consultants and found that Kathryn was the best person for our needs.

She does some preliminary work prior to the actual in-home consultation and came very prepared.

We were impressed with her comprehensive knowledge… Read more

Jane Tennant
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

Take the quiz now