Category: General Musings

Etiquette for Zoom, Skype and the Like

Video conferencing is high on the list of staying sane! Apparently Face-time, Zoom and skype usage is UP 2000% in the last month! WOW! Once served for the sole purpose of inter-department conference calls, we now rely on this for distance learning, visiting relatives and there’s’ so much more going on! One of the reasons I wrote about this subject, it was prompted by a situation last week: a guy fresh out of the shower, signed into a webinar, and…

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A Simple Walk of ABC

If you could read my mind: A Simple Game of ABC The lyrics to a popular song lead to wonder, mystique and perhaps misconception about what’s going on inside ourselves. Our ‘enforced relaxation’ away from regular routines and community friends has lead many of us to ponder our existence, and wonder what is coming next! If you could read my mind, love, what a tale my thoughts would tell… Are you unsettled these days? Thoughts wondering and wandering throughout the…

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The Power Position

Ever feel that something isn’t ‘quite right’? Is it the time-of-day that seems to have disruptions? Or perhaps, procrastination has set in. Stressful issues and anxiety, can blow things out of proportion and lead to non-productivity. Your situation can change daily!  In attempts to find coping skills, many people ask me about décor for their working spaces: which colours to choose and where to put things. If you follow the rules and embrace Feng Shui Theories, your space will feel…

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Money Talks, or does it?

  Remember when you used to ‘cash’ a paycheck? Do you remember feeling pride and importance of having a job? Then, a chore to line up at the bank on Fridays – to turn a paper cheque into cash. Our banking and spending habits have changed over the years; so how are you handling this? With the ‘new wave’ of APPS and clicks, auto-deposit, tap for payment, I’m sure there are many people out there who can’t remember when they…

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Style Your Bedroom

  Getting tired of your bedroom? Ready for a SPRING REVIVAL? Here’s one great idea to change things up!   This master bedroom, thou clean, crisp and cozy wasn’t quite working for the couple. I like the symmetry here, and feng shui is all about symmetry!   Rule of thumb is to have both parties space to be ‘equal’; they both need to get in and out of the bed (without crawling over each other). And add, two pillows, two…

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The Shapes of Our Lives

Something blocked in your life? Perhaps your home or work space doesn’t feel right anymore? Perhaps, luck is already THERE and you just haven’t seen it! For many, solutions for problem areas can be found in simple things, such as shapes and colours.   Common Shapes for Decorating When supporting an area within the Bagua, shapes are often the easiest to manipulate.  SQUARES: If the life area you choose to enhance needs to be stable and grounded, then squares would…

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The Games People Played

Game night! There was always a game after supper. My earliest card games I learned from my Grandparents. The times we were allowed to stay over night were always on school break. Without parents around, we could have our grandparents’ undivided attention. Our precious time after the evening meal was a way to connect. A time of laughter, and wit; a way to learn how to problem-solve, or, the next move. My grandparents taught my sister and I how to…

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Food Catering Cuisine Culinary Gourmet Buffet Party Concept

The Smorgasbord of Life

We make choices with food, and with people every day, good and bad. It is no wonder that they can parallel each other. ~ It‘s not all about food; but it could be! Taking care of what we need, and what our body needs, is the first step to leading a full life filled with good choices, experiences and opportunities. We need proper nourishment in our diet, which includes mental and emotional needs, for a well-balanced life! Base ingredients: protein,…

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The Cute Pink Vase

  You know the habit of ‘looking’ and then right away, the ‘impulse to buy’? Of course you do! I found this little cutie at a second-hand store and said PERFECT!  My husband was with me and asked, “What are you going to do with another vase?” “OMG! I stated, it is PERFECT to use in a Relationship Area! Look how CUTE this vase is? It will help enhance our Relationship! Really!” He asked no other questions. (smart hubby…) So…

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The Cute Pink Vase

You know the habit of ‘looking’ and then right away, the ‘impulse to buy’? Of course you do! I found this little cutie at a second-hand store and said PERFECT!  My husband was with me and asked, “What are you going to do with another vase?” “OMG! I stated, it is PERFECT to use in a Relationship Area! Look how CUTE this vase is? It will help enhance our Relationship! Really!” He asked no other questions. (smart hubby…) So here…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


This condo had been on the market for 6 weeks with one price reduction… excited to make it have more flow and have a little more overall appeal… did a fantastic job of rearranging furniture and re-hanging art. The home flows so much better now and looks way more spacious… this staging will attract the right buyer!

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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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