Room By Room Rescue
with the Five Elements
Are you still struggling to figure out the flow in your space and WHAT to do about it? How to figure this out?
There is an easy way to move through the house ‘enhancing’ and ‘boosting’ your space!
~Taking charge of your space will cultivate the strength you need to ‘weather the storms ahead’;
and believe me, there’s more in life to come!
This 8 week COURSE is all about cultivating supports…
Wow! Kristi Stangeland is organizing an amazing celebration AND I’ve been asked to lead the Workshop: What’s on Your Walls?
Find more about supportive images that can enhance your New Year!
Tickets on SALE NOW! Use the CODE: tiger and pick up your $30 discount!
What a weekend!
Make 2022 an AMAZING YEAR!
See you there!…
I’d like to introduce my guest,
Kristi Stangeland!
Kristi Stangeland is the author of Embrace Each Day with Peace and Calm: A Simple Guide to Meditation for Busy Women. She founded My ParaVita, to share her knowledge of insights so women can discover more opportunities for success and personal fulfillment through meditations, wellness retreats and the My ParaVita Circle membership.
The segue: I always like to make a segue connection with my guests, their topic and (of course) Feng Shui.…
Karen Aydt is a public speaker, coach, mother, rock singer, world-traveler, and founding member of several businesses and initiatives. Now, with her own company, Inner Design International, Karen is facilitating fun, interactive, Game-Changing Workshops for individuals, teams and corporations based on the True Colours personality system.
Through 30 years of business leadership as an entrepreneur and training with many world-class organizations, Karen has become a master of helping people transform their ability to perform, communicate, and relate to others in…
Today’s video is an interview: Guest Hallie Steinberg introduces a fabulous way to grow your vegetables INSIDE over the winter! OMG! You’ll be amazed!…
Magic 8: Jewelry Can Work for You.
(This post is inspired by a question from last month to Ask Kathryn.)
Q: Kathryn, I’m wondering what to do about all my jewelry sitting in boxes. I’m done working and much of these are so nice, I hate to part with them. Any suggestions? ~ Monica Hightower
A: Great Question, Monica. First, the obvious, sort aside any broken and damaged items from the ones you wish to keep. Some pieces may be…
Getting tired of your bedroom? Ready for a SPRING REVIVAL?
Here’s one great idea to change things up!
This master bedroom, thou clean, crisp and cozy wasn’t quite working for the couple.
I like the symmetry here, and feng shui is all about symmetry!
Rule of thumb is to have both parties space to be ‘equal’; they both need to get in and out of the bed (without crawling over each other). And add, two pillows, two…
ASK Kathryn : About a Fan over the headboard
Hi Kathryn
Hope all is well. I have a question. Is a Fan behind headboard, bad feng shui? Someone gave me a huge beautiful Chinese fan. It is gold with red flowers and blue birds. I hung it behind my headboard in my bedroom. I love the fan. Is it bad FENGSHUI? I will send pic. Would like your opinion. Did you ever figure out a date for visit to NYC?…
Hi Kathryn,
When looking for resources in regards to saving lucky bamboo, I came across your article here: You were kind enough to include your email on the bottom.
I received two lucky bamboo stalks in May of 2018, one stalk started turning yellow a few months back and after some online research, I cut the stalk down hoping that new sprouts might come up. There are still some orange/white roots so I have been holding out hope that it…
View from CONDO unit in Vancouver: Is this dangerous to your health?
Hello Kathryn,
We would like some advice as our unit looks out to a lane. Like a T intersection. The lane goes for about 4 blocks (south) and you can see the end of it. I’ve attached a photo.
Our unit is SW exposure. We would like to know whether this is a bad thing and if so, what is the best solution. Thanks Greg
I called Kathryn Wilking to help plan my recovery after surgery.
Before meeting Kathryn, I had just purchased a beautiful condominium on the water. I chose this area for healing purposes as I have been seriously hurt in a car accident and require a perfect space for healing.
Kathryn prepared a wonderful, personal booklet/session describing the best arrangements, placement, materials, colours, etc to my space and I implemented these specific details.