Category: Ask Kathryn


Ask Kathryn About Lighting Fixtures

Style Your Home Can You Spot the DIFFERENCE?  Of course you can! A replacement dining room fixture can make, or break, the atmosphere! PIC ONE: The existing lighting fixture had 8 light bulbs, and yet, the lights were not directed anywhere; their glow dispersed everywhere.  Extra metal loops and curves distracted attention from neighboring artwork and collectibles.       PIC TWO: This lighting fixture has similar components, yet only 5 light bulbs. These bulbs are ‘protected’ by 60 small,…

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Ask Kathryn About Spiritual Quartz

Ask Kathryn: Today we have a dialogue to answer a question as, more clarify is needed.    Q: Hi Kathryn, I would like to know in my bedroom, my spiritual setup is in the far right corner (northwest corner facing the east). Is this a good spot? Belle A: Hi Bellel!  Good to hear from you! Before I answer your question, I have a few questions! 1  what is the purpose of enhancing a spiritual area in you bedroom? 2.…

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Ask Kathryn about REAL LIFE CLIENT CASES: Seeing RED 

  THE CALL Sandy called me without a specific need; and yet, she was disappointed with several areas of her life. She felt depressed. Her life seemed to be stalled. She was off work on sick leave and her kids weren’t talking to her! Does feng shui have any ideas that could help her get her life back? (Yes! Of course!)   THE REALITY             When I arrived at her home, a small condominium on the ground floor, I noticed there were…

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Ask Kathryn: REAL CASES – Balance in the Master Bedroom

  THE CALL Chris initially called me to her home to assess the flow in her home. Her 3 grown children all moved back to the family home for the summer, and OMG, the energy was a bit different with 5 adults in the house. Yes, their lives were on different time zones and their working schedules were all over the place, so we had to create a boundary between the ‘common areas’ and the ‘private areas’, as everyone needed…

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Ask Kathryn About Moving

  Q: What is this I hear about you moving? Are you still going to have your newsletter? (FYI: this was an actual question this month, word for word.) A: Yes, this is true! My family of two adults, two dogs and a cat are moving! In addition, absolutely I will still offer my newsletter! Each month I ponder ‘what is going on in the world’, and then, I try to sort it out so that all of you can…

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Ask Kathryn About Feng Shui for Living Rooms & Kitchens

Q: Hey Kathryn, I’ve just moved and I was looking at ways to rearrange my living room to use more feng shui. Do you have a book on living rooms and kitchens? Thanks, Deni A: Hi Deni! Thanks for your note. Interesting enough, when a home has ‘good feng shui’, it has the ‘feeling’ of grounding, peace, safety, balance and harmony. In many cases, it can be almost undetectable! My personal book focuses on offices and careers, ‘Practical feng Shui…

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Ask Kathryn About Shopping for a Bed

  Q: Hi Kathryn! We will be purchasing a new queen-sized bed.  I’ve read a bit online – do you have any reference material I can read? I’m assuming this: -NOT A storage bed (no drawers etc underneath) And, should it have a higher foot board? I’ve been looking for a while, and honestly, haven’t seen much that appeals to me. Thanks, Louann A: Great Question, Louann! Here are a few quick tips when purchasing a new bed! First, I’m…

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Ask Kathryn about the Purpose of P.J.’s

What’s the Purpose of P.J.’s? The role of pajama’s is to provide calm comfort for you to rest. In order to let the cares of the day go, you need to leave the outside energy outside! I explain in this audio clip:…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Dear Kathryn,

Paul and I absolutely LOVED meeting you in person and having the time you so generously gave us and our home! It is such a joy and celebration to connect with a kindred soul, especially when this comes with the great blessing and opportunity to learn and grow from the connection.
Our session on Saturday was the catalyst we needed to break out of our (my!) inertia and get the energy flowing to transform our space and lifestyle.  Your presence and
guidance are extremely uplifting and… Read more

Transforming a small church into a home
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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