Category: Ask Kathryn


Ask Kathryn About Sharing Space with a Bedroom

ASK Kathryn About sharing Space with a Bedroom I’ve read your book and I need more information about feng shui in my bedroom, when I work at home. My house is small, but I can fit a desk into the bedroom. Is there a best way to do this using feng shui? I read that working in your bedroom is not a good idea. Can you explain please? Thx Shelly. A: Hi Shelly! You are correct: Working in a bedroom…

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ASK KATHRYN about The Three Secrets

Ask Kathryn about the Three Secrets Q: I’ve heard there is specific language to use in the blessings of Feng Shui cures. I’ve heard of the 3 secrets. Is that like a prayer or a spell of sorts? Do I need to learn this to feng shui my apartment? I really need to find a better job. Thanks, Shelly A: Hi Shelly! This is a GREAT question. There is nothing weird, nor anything secret; it is just an expression for…

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Ask Kathryn About Moving Forwards

Q: Kathryn, I’ve noticed that whenever I ask a feng shui question, the answer begins with ‘that depends’. What is it with the vagueness of this venue that I can’t get a straight answer about how to set up my room and get ahead in life? ~Marie A: Good question, Marie. And yes, the answer depends on so many factors. Feng shui is more than moving furniture around and collecting gold coins. Not only do you need to have your…

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Ask Kathryn About African Art

Q: Kathryn, I’m getting ready to move and clearing out a few things. I came across a box of souvenirs we picked up from our trip to Africa years past and I don’t know if they are good for feng shui or not. I have a couple of masks, some animal carvings and a ceremonial dagger. Can you tell me if they are okay to keep, and where to put them? Or, do I just give them away? Thanks. A:…

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Ask Kathryn about A Red Door

ASK KATHRYN about Front Doors Painted Red. Q: Is it true that I should paint my front door red for good luck? A: That depends what your intention is for the front door and your family. Painting your front door a red colour will certainly attract attention to your home, right out to the curb. It is important for others to find your home: helpful people, trades or emergency persons, as well as pizza delivery. Red is a lucky colour…

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Ask Kathryn About Bed Placement

Q: Hi Kathryn, Feng shui is supposed to help with a good nights sleep. Which is the best direction to face the bed? Thanks. A: This is a great question! I haven’t addressed this issue with my newsletter followers, as I’ve been focusing on business. YET, we all do need a good night’s REST. Some feng shui practitioners use the compass school to sort out the ‘best direction’ to sleep. While this system works, I find that many families do…

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Ask Kathryn about Computer Stress

Q: Kathryn, I’m an entrepreneur who quit my boring job in the corporate world only 10 months ago. The issues I’m having with technology, passwords, updates, viruses and social media take up all day! I don’t have an IT GUY at home to help. I’m thinking of punching out my PC and going back to work. Can feng shui help me? A: You do sound frustrated. I hear you. Working alone without full-time IT support can be frustrating! Should you…

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Ask Kathryn about Boots Under the Bed

Q: Hi Kathryn! My husband and I are doing some earthquake preparations out here on the west coast. The booklet suggests we have a pair of boots under the bed for quick evacuation should this happen while sleeping. I heard it was bad feng shui to leave shoes and boots under the bed, especially for a long time. What do you think? Amy A: You are correct! Leaving boots and shoes under the bed is a no-no! The rational in…

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Ask Kathryn About Money Frogs

  Q: Hi Kathryn, Can you tell me more about the Money frog? I heard they were lucky for wealth in feng shui so I bought one with a gold coin in his mouth. My hairdresser has one facing away from the door, and my naturpath has one on her desk facing towards the door of her office. Are these different frogs? Which way should I face the frog? A: Good question. Yes, there is conflicting information out there! The…

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Feng Shui for Love and Relationships

Feng Shui for Love and Relationships: Cultivate and Revive Your Passion! 7 Pages of Insight and advice with a Feng Shui perspective! FREE Booklet for Valentines week! Enjoy your JOURNEY! Kathryn FENG SHUI 4 Love and Relationships PDF     **Kathryn of Kathryn Wilking Designs is a Professional Member of the IFSG (International Feng Shui Guild) Author, Stager and Feng Shui Consultant. Kathryn is available for innovative talks for workshops and Lunch ‘n Learn programs. Contact her to discuss…

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Will definitely stay in touch, you are an inspiration to me and I am blessed to have you as a peer in the industry we love.

Your book BTW is not far away from my desk for reading purposes often.

Jean Burns
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