Category: Management Style

Water-people Have Deep Influence

Water-people have a Deep Influence in Society You’ll find a large majority of our senior population are water-people. These individuals have worked hard in their lives, specialists in their professions and have experienced many of life’s lessons. They bring a plethora of knowledge to the equation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we look up to them for guidance and direction. Similar to the wise owl in the woods, people turn to them for guidance and understanding. Water people enjoy…

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Metal-people are the Backbone for Society

Metal-Energy People are the Backbone for Society The elements in feng shui are directly related to properties of the earth. Each of these properties has its own structure, specific components, and their own personalities. Just like us, some of these elements work very well together, and sometimes not! In feng shui, the metal element represents structure, integrity and discipline. Metal people are introverts, and more methodical than the others. Metal-type-people like to work with numbers, finite issues and can easily…

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Earth-people are Often Stuck in the Middle

Earth-people are Often Stuck in the Middle An earth-type personality is much like the tangible earth; solid, grounded and stable. Of all the Five Elements; wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, the earth people are standing in middle ground. In the working world, people with earth personalities are the best choice to train new employees. Their patience and relaxed nature is very non-threatening.  They have a knack to organize and compile data, and remember to send a card for every…

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Fire People Have Energy to Burn

Fire-People Have Energy to BURN   Do you remember the last time you were really passionate about something? It could have been something quiet; perhaps a breath-taking view of the lake? Or, more emotional, such as standing up for someone who needed assistance? The fire element, in feng shui, is represented by the colour red and generally shows up in the Fame or Wealth areas of the home. These areas of your home are definitely hot, as they also reflect…

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Wood-people are Energetic!

Wood-people Are Energetic! Wood-people are the ‘mover’s and shakers’! Wood-people are the busiest people around! They have great ideas! They have energy! They have the means to ‘make it happen’! YES! YES! And, YES, they DO like to use LOTS of exclamation marks!!! If you want the job done, give the task to the busiest person; a person whose dominant element is Wood! The Wood Element is represented with the vibrant energy of spring. A time of growth, high energy…

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Look UP and Feel Better

As daylight savings time shifts back, we find cooler and darker days amongst us. Many people consciously and sub-consciously get ready to hibernate for several months in the northern hemisphere. Have you noticed that people’s postures change when they are facing the cold? It seems very natural to hunch down and protect ourselves from the elements; carrying weighted back packs and loaded down with extra clothing. I understand, and I sometimes fall into this pose myself. Posture is KEY for…

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Money in Circulation

A huge topic that always has so many problems and solutions attached to it. Money carries its own energy. It’s magnetic. It can also spark different emotions in people; for good or not-so-good. For specific issues and upsets in any home, a Feng Shui expert will begin to look for blockages and disruptions in your physical home. ‘Blockage in your home’ could be many things, yet, issues with water are most likely related to money. Money energy in Feng Shui…

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Find Your Power Position

Find Your Power Position; Taking Charge Hi, there! Do you ever have the feel that something isn’t quite right? Chances are, you are probably correct? Sometimes, our expectations shift; and you’re not sure quite what happened! TODAY you can begin to take charge and change things by finding your power position! ~ I’m posting on the World Wise Wisdom channel this week – unlocking the world’s WISDOM- one story at a time! As you may already know, I’m a Feng…

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Clutter Habit Cues

Clutter Habit Cues Relating to Your Personal Element Ever wondered why some people can thrive in a messy world, and others need a system? Your personality reveals your unique clutter habits! Learning how to maintain the clutter in your life will certainly help keep the clutter bugs away! Your clutter habits relate to the element characteristics: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. ~ If you relate to the descriptions below in only one element, chances are this is your dominant…

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Profit Concierge

We are talking today on Feng Shui Your Day with my special guest today Pam Prior!    Profit Concierge Pam Prior brings finance to her fellow entrepreneurs in an approachable, joyful, and engaging way; clearing the path for them to unleash their cash flow and kick-start the business engines. Pam is committed to transforming entrepreneurial finance and accounting from ‘nightmare to best friend’ for her clients and audiences of all sizes; and has been described as everything from “CFO Quarterback”…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


This condo had been on the market for 6 weeks with one price reduction… excited to make it have more flow and have a little more overall appeal… did a fantastic job of rearranging furniture and re-hanging art. The home flows so much better now and looks way more spacious… this staging will attract the right buyer!

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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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