Category: Stress Management


5 Hats for a Successful Business

  WHICH HAT SHALL I TRY ON FIRST? We are all busy Multi-tasking! The many numerous things we juggle in our business can boggle most other people’s minds! And yet, WHAT IS THE ONE THING WE FORGET TO SCHEDULE? ~ QUIET TIME! Entrepreneurs, self-employment and career driven individuals are all on their own career path; and moving forwards. Many are trying NOT to work around the clock! So, you’ve completed the income tax, talked with all departments and worked out…

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Auspicious Plants for Your Garden

When planning your garden, make a colorful choice! I LOVE GARDENS! Planning another tweak in your garden? Making room for more colour, shapes or drama? Sometimes we are attracted to a colour, a smell, or just something different. There’s no reason; but perhaps there is! Ann Marie Holmes writes in her book, Earth Spirit Living, (I love this book!) -choosing the best plants to cultivate the BEST ENERGY for you and your space. I found this fascinating; and had to…

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Ask Kathryn About Construction

  View from CONDO unit in Vancouver: Is this dangerous to your health? Hello Kathryn,  We would like some advice as our unit looks out to a lane. Like a T intersection. The lane goes for about 4 blocks (south) and you can see the end of it. I’ve attached a photo.  Our unit is SW exposure.   We would like to know whether this is a bad thing and if so, what is the best solution.  Thanks Greg A: Hi…

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Raising the Bar

It’s spring, and we’re waking from hibernation! We Can Do This! Are you stuck in lethargy and need to raise the bar? Raising the chi-energy in your space is EXACTLY what you need to do! Have you ever come home from vacation, turned the key and stepped inside, only to feel ugh…? What happened while you were away? -The life-force of the house has died! This can often happen through the winter months when everything gets ‘closed off’ for the…

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Mature woman driving an sports car with her dog

Vision for a Good Life

Vision for a Good Life:    As we age and move into a slower pace, many of us finally have the time to stop, slow down and reflect. Reflecting on the past can bring warmth to heart, but for many – too much time often regurgitates past regrets and remorse. It doesn’t have to be that way! The time between work and when the kids/grand-kids come to visit is the time to look at your life! I’ve often talked about…

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  So, it’s a brand new year; or maybe it’s a brand new something. Yet, you are stuck. Do you find yourself spending too much time looking at the (unknown) future, or looking back with regret! Either way, you aren’t PRESENT to make any decisions! – No wonder that you’re stuck! I’ve been there. I understand. Moving forward has risk; fear of the unknown. The ‘unknown’ component often has a cost factor, a time factor and could have an impact…

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The A B C’s of Christmas

The ABC’S of Christmas It was a few years back, just after we’d moved from southern Ontario to Vancouver BC., when my husband Stephen and I looked at each other with total exasperation. The topic of Xmas had been placed on the table. Sigh… The boys were grown and had moved along. One was in South America doing his own thing with a group of artists and the other had left for Australia to find work. There wasn’t even a…

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Jer w monkey 2014

Music & Vibration to Relax

Music and Vibration to Relax Is the traffic getting worse; or is it my imagination? Do you experience a time-warp every time you get on the computer? Is there any leftover time to sort mail, do laundry, shop for groceries and gas up the car? So often, we get stuck in a rut and can’t find our way out! You are not alone! I’ve talked with many friends, family and clients in different stages of life; they all get ‘stuck’…

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After the Move…

  The morning after a move is a bit overwhelming!  A few comments about our move this summer: Change. Life is continually changing. Taking control of one’s life to move across the country, a new job and new neighbors takes courage and confidence. These changes can be overwhelming for many, so I’ve heard from many of you. If you jump too early, due to frustration and emotional toil, you will bring all your troubles/burdens along with you. One piece of…

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Ask Kathryn About Spiritual Quartz

Ask Kathryn: Today we have a dialogue to answer a question as, more clarify is needed.    Q: Hi Kathryn, I would like to know in my bedroom, my spiritual setup is in the far right corner (northwest corner facing the east). Is this a good spot? Belle A: Hi Bellel!  Good to hear from you! Before I answer your question, I have a few questions! 1  what is the purpose of enhancing a spiritual area in you bedroom? 2.…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn, I would like to thank you for your assistance and participation in the Costco Road Show. It was personally very rewarding to see how hard work pay off.

The business model has proven to offer exposure for both beyond our current channels of distribution. As you have found over the last few weeks, it seems we continue to have new customers joining the current Josef-Seibel & Romika shoe wearers.

Thank you once again for making this a success.

Drew Maternick
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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