Category: Wisdom and Philosophy

Jer w monkey 2014

Music & Vibration to Relax

Music and Vibration to Relax Is the traffic getting worse; or is it my imagination? Do you experience a time-warp every time you get on the computer? Is there any leftover time to sort mail, do laundry, shop for groceries and gas up the car? So often, we get stuck in a rut and can’t find our way out! You are not alone! I’ve talked with many friends, family and clients in different stages of life; they all get ‘stuck’…

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Settling into Spindle City!

‘Spindle City’ is the nick-name I gave to my new cottage-home. Yep, a solid, 1982 two-story home with tons of room for my stuff -and spindles on every floor! There are oak spindles everywhere: the porch, two decks, a dock, a two-story staircase, a cat-walk overhead and all around a sunken living room! What were we thinking? We were hunting for the ‘right place’ for almost 2 years; what we found was that newer homes had smaller properties. Years ago…

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After the Move…

  The morning after a move is a bit overwhelming!  A few comments about our move this summer: Change. Life is continually changing. Taking control of one’s life to move across the country, a new job and new neighbors takes courage and confidence. These changes can be overwhelming for many, so I’ve heard from many of you. If you jump too early, due to frustration and emotional toil, you will bring all your troubles/burdens along with you. One piece of…

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Ask Kathryn About Spiritual Quartz

Ask Kathryn: Today we have a dialogue to answer a question as, more clarify is needed.    Q: Hi Kathryn, I would like to know in my bedroom, my spiritual setup is in the far right corner (northwest corner facing the east). Is this a good spot? Belle A: Hi Bellel!  Good to hear from you! Before I answer your question, I have a few questions! 1  what is the purpose of enhancing a spiritual area in you bedroom? 2.…

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ASK Kathryn about REAL CASES: PEDEGO Electric Bike Shop

  REAL LIFE CASES; PEDEGO ELECTRIC BIKE SHOP THE CALL: Ann MacLennan (her real name) called me for a specific reason: She had decided her next chapter in life was to be a Retail Store Owner. Ann procured a Dealership Agreement with PEDEGO Electric Bikes, found a location in Vancouver, did the research for her specialty project and now needed my help to open shop. She had guidelines and a logo from the Head Office; yet unsure of colour schemes,…

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Ask Kathryn about REAL LIFE CLIENT CASES: Seeing RED 

  THE CALL Sandy called me without a specific need; and yet, she was disappointed with several areas of her life. She felt depressed. Her life seemed to be stalled. She was off work on sick leave and her kids weren’t talking to her! Does feng shui have any ideas that could help her get her life back? (Yes! Of course!)   THE REALITY             When I arrived at her home, a small condominium on the ground floor, I noticed there were…

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Loving Your Home: Letting Go

  It used to be ‘normal’ to be born, live and die all in the same house; or at least, the same city. Society these days makes it possible, and probable, for people & families to move more frequently. This could be related to a fluctuating job market, unstable politics or perhaps a marriage commitment; ‘for better or worse’. So many people have shared with me their angst, about relocating this year! There seems to be a mass movement! We…

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Ask Kathryn: REAL CASES – Balance in the Master Bedroom

  THE CALL Chris initially called me to her home to assess the flow in her home. Her 3 grown children all moved back to the family home for the summer, and OMG, the energy was a bit different with 5 adults in the house. Yes, their lives were on different time zones and their working schedules were all over the place, so we had to create a boundary between the ‘common areas’ and the ‘private areas’, as everyone needed…

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Why You Can Have GREAT IDEAS in the Shower

  You’ve been there before: your brain won’t stop racing, you can’t really sleep; and then you hop in the shower –problem solved! How does this work? There are a couple of reasons: No interruptions: You’ve shut off contact from your phone and family. Having interruptions constantly sabotages your creative mind. There is nothing to learn, and nothing to do but let your ‘muscle memory’ go through the motions of soaping, and washing your body. Let all the other tasks…

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Bumps In The Night

It’s after mid-night and you’re wide awake, again! What happened this time? Our bodies fall asleep, but much of the brain sub-conscious, is still awake – protecting us from saber-tooth tigers and monsters under the bed! It is how we are conditioned. Yet, this seems rather extreme; considering I woke up because of a toothbrush the other night!  Really! When our ‘sleep mode’ shifts through deep sleep and its rhythms, the sub-conscious picks up all kinds of information; and tries…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


We hired Kathryn to provide a Feng Shui consultation to improve the energy in our home, for all family members, and to improve our business which we operate from home. We did an extensive search online for all of the Feng Shui Consultants in the Vancouver area. We phoned several consultants and found that Kathryn was the best person for our needs.

She does some preliminary work prior to the actual in-home consultation and came very prepared.

We were impressed with her comprehensive knowledge… Read more

Jane Tennant
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

Take the quiz now