Category: Women in Business

Malayan tiger is resting near the lake in the jungle

Protect Your Tiger Time

ROAR! !  Does your day get filled with distractions and problems to solve? Does your Professional Development get put on the back burner all the time? Many of our workdays are chewed up with issues that are not productive. Every Entrepreneur needs to set aside time for reading, research and professional development. It is part of the job to stay on top of things or get left behind! We need a solid strategy to stay focused! Many entrepreneurs, while driven…

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The Shy Entrepreneur

  I met an interesting entrepreneur a few months ago at a business luncheon. She is a personal life-coach, an author and I enjoyed the way she was able to articulate her particular spin on life. We were having a lively conversation. She impressed upon me the need to ‘be quiet’ and ‘to listen’ to clients.  Then, she described herself as ‘shy’. Shy can be a negative word in business; defining someone who is anxious, awkward, fearful, inhibited or timid.…

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Sherry Brantley

Guest, Sherry Brantley: LET’S GO FOR YOUR GOALS!

ABOUT the AUTHOR: Sherry Brantley is a Certifed Life Coach. Author, dynamic leader and trainer specializing in the areas of ‘Goal-Setting, and Goal Getting!, an Expert and Co-Author in The Change: Insights To Self Empowerment Book Series where (his/her) chapter focuses on S.T.E.P.P. Start to Exercise Personal Power. LET’S GO FOR YOUR GOALS! We are now more than half way through the 2016 year. Where do you stand with your annual goals for this year? How excited are you about…

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27 Practical Steps to Business Success

  This is the LAST DAY to get YOUR FREE COPY!  Are you too busy to sit down and read a whole book? Business issues rattling around in your head? This could be the best advice for YOU! This booklet is intended for busy entrepreneurs who find it hard to sit down and read an entire book.  SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK: **FREE**  Check Out the Book Promotion Here… I’d love to to leave a comment on Amazon! Thank you! ’27…

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The Dormer Office Reno

  Architectural challenges are apparent in (almost) everyone’s life. Just because I am a Feng Shui Consultant doesn’t mean that I am exempt from dealing with dysfunctional issues in my personal space! This dormer pop-out in our home was/is the default for my office space. Even thou I applied the best ‘cures’ for this space, something drastic had to be done! The slanted walls were only one issue, as there was another angle with a pitch up to 12 feet…

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Ask Kathryn about Ripped Jeans

Raise the Chi! When you make an effort to present yourself with a positive effort, you will attract more respect; opportunities will unfold. Q: What does feng shui say about ripped jeans and distressed clothing? Why does it seem that people are ‘dressing down’ in order to ‘dress up’? Does this make any sense? Thanks. A: Yes, it is interesting how the fashion industry can justify anything as long as they have an audience. People are drawn to drama; bad…

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Taking Command: Practical Feng Shui for the Entrepreneur

Join me for a half day Feng Shui workshop for entrepreneurs and business owners at FLUFF Rentals in Vancouver. This is the ONLY public workshop I’m holding this Fall! Take advantage of my special offer: BUY ONE ticket and receive a SECOND one for FREE! Plus receive a free copy of my book: ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Office’ CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND TO REGISTER…

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Ask Kathryn about a ‘Harry Potter’ office

    Ask Kathryn Hi Kathryn, Thanks for taking the time to look at my office. I work in Toronto at an administrative building close to the U of T. The buildings are old, old, old and sliced into skinny offices with high ceilings; think of the Harry Potter series with dark wood, heavy trim and windows up about 16 or 20’. My office is only 10-12 feet wide and about 30’ long with a window at the end. I…

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STRESS in the city

STRESS in the City

When a person describes their day as ‘being stressful’: it can be perceived as a tactic to attract attention or a weakness in their coping skills. Attracting attention by the ‘woe is me’ habit often begins at an early age. This pattern works as a way to get attention. If this is a constant predicament, you may get sucked in. If compelled to offer a sympathetic ear, you can wait for the crisis to run its course or you could…

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Ask Kathryn about Purchasing Used Clothing

  Q: Hi Kathryn. I purchased a suit at the Thrift Store and my girlfriend says it is creepy. Could this have a hex on it or something? How can a suit be creepy? A: When purchasing anything previously-owned you inherit predecessor-chi. Chi-energy comes in many forms. When the previous owner is not around for evaluation, you gamble with that energy. We all make purchases ‘in good faith’, and we expect the seller to  meet that same standard. Whether we…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Wow Kathryn! I just finished your book and it is FULL of great advice, along with many of the Feng Shui principles that I hadn’t been aware of, which made perfect sense! I also took your PEP test and I was quite surprised at how it nailed my personality to a ‘T’. The way you explain Feng Shui, it’s purpose and how we can utilize it in the workplace as well as in our home environment, certainly has given me some valuable information to implement and use to be proactive in creating a bette… Read more

Sherry Brantley
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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