
Change Course and Revise Your Goals

Is it time to regroup and turn around?

Time is moving fast! We are moving into another season and you didn’t accomplish what you set out to do last year! Could the wind be out of your sails! Is it time to regroup and turn around?

I personally know how hard it is to fine-tune goals at the beginning of the year. We’ve had a rest over the New Year, met new people and had exciting conversations! Then, the adrenaline starts to flow: YES! I CAN DO THIS!

The reality is (and I have done this), when you HAVE the adrenaline rush: you CAN book those appointments, place a deposit on the booth/hall/training seminar AND pull in ten new clients with your unique marketing angle! Breathless, you eventually stop to look at the commitments and pause; ‘What was I thinking?’ OMG!

There is a time frame for all these things, but when do you have time to think and prepare?

Over-committed, you perceive working all night sacrificing your sleep, and then, putting out only half the enthusiasm needed to rock these clients. The result is you could end up exhausted without getting the results you wanted. What to do?

Preventative measures: Figure out what went wrong and pace yourself better next time. If you are going to commit to several trade shows (for example) in a short time, don’t put out an aggressive marketing plan that overlaps. Prioritize all the issues. Perhaps schedule the marketing launch in the ‘best time’ of the season/year, and work the trade-shows around those dates. You’ll still get the benefit of working both angles. (And, you won’t lose any sleep over it.)

Damage control: You’ll need to call in a few favors. You will also need to delegate some tasks to people you trust. Yes, offer to pay them appropriately; you could run the risk of not having their 100% attention on your project. Don’t ask for free-bees, this is your business.

Regroup: Don’t panic. Let us assume you now have yearly commitments lined up, and prioritized. Your vision might be audacious as well as admirable, but the timing for everything doesn’t work. It is okay to put an idea on the shelf for a while and look at it later. I’ve done this over and over, and eventually, the idea/project finds a way to work itself in. There is plenty of time left to reorganize this year, and it will be okay. Regrouping is a great time to revise the goals and re-vision your successes this year! It is okay to reset your ‘sails’ and continue moving on.

Very often, I find myself* running amuck with fresh energy for projects, over booking and heading out to sights unknown. I like to think ‘I’m ahead of my time’, but in reality, I need to wait for the rest of the crew to catch up with me.

Take the time to: Revise the plan and pace yourself; you will win more than just the race!

*I am a wood-person; an extrovert that likes to develop new ideas. And yes, I’ve learned the need to manage my enthusiasm.” ~ Kathryn

To find out about your personal profile works in business, check out my PEP Quiz. (Personal Element Profile Quiz.)


Kathryn Wilking can give you Practical Solutions to Change Your Luck!

** Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and a Feng Shui Consultant. She delivers “practical solutions to life’s problems’. Are you thinking of a personal consultation? Or, perhaps you know of a group or associate that would enjoy a lively talk or workshop?

Kathryn has a gentle way of manipulating energy to help find balance and flow in each situation. You can trust her with your concerns. Contact her for a chat to find out how feng shui can help you! In the meantime, you can do your own Lifestyle Assessment here. 


About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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HI Kathryn!

What I appreciate from you is the ‘follow up’ you offer to clients.

We just started making changes in our home. Things are great!

Thank you for caring. (My son) is now sleeping in his own bed; loves his space full of stickers!

We are okay now.

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