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Take the quiz nowDec 5, 2014 The Chickadee….
The chickadee is being featured as the ‘bird of the year’ for Vancouver in 2015. Chosen at random, it is a way to promote awareness to our local birds. Here is a card I picked up recently that addresses the chickadees and their attributes through a native artist, Sue Coleman.
The chickadee is known for its cheerful call: chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee, chick-a-dee. There are seven kinds of chickadees, most of them sporting a black cap on their heads. They often travel in large social groups. To the native people, the chickadee is the bird of truth, with a higher mind and higher perceptions; for its truth is shared in a manner that adds cheer and joy to your own life and the lives of others. Nice.
A large task for a very small bird.
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