

Ask Kathryn about REAL LIFE CLIENT CASES: Seeing RED 

  THE CALL Sandy called me without a specific need; and yet, she was disappointed with several areas of her life. She felt depressed. Her life seemed to be stalled. She was off work on sick leave and her kids weren’t talking to her! Does feng shui have any ideas that could help her get her life back? (Yes! Of course!)   THE REALITY             When I arrived at her home, a small condominium on the ground floor, I noticed there were…

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Loving Your Home: Letting Go

  It used to be ‘normal’ to be born, live and die all in the same house; or at least, the same city. Society these days makes it possible, and probable, for people & families to move more frequently. This could be related to a fluctuating job market, unstable politics or perhaps a marriage commitment; ‘for better or worse’. So many people have shared with me their angst, about relocating this year! There seems to be a mass movement! We…

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Ask Kathryn: REAL CASES – Balance in the Master Bedroom

  THE CALL Chris initially called me to her home to assess the flow in her home. Her 3 grown children all moved back to the family home for the summer, and OMG, the energy was a bit different with 5 adults in the house. Yes, their lives were on different time zones and their working schedules were all over the place, so we had to create a boundary between the ‘common areas’ and the ‘private areas’, as everyone needed…

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Why You Can Have GREAT IDEAS in the Shower

  You’ve been there before: your brain won’t stop racing, you can’t really sleep; and then you hop in the shower –problem solved! How does this work? There are a couple of reasons: No interruptions: You’ve shut off contact from your phone and family. Having interruptions constantly sabotages your creative mind. There is nothing to learn, and nothing to do but let your ‘muscle memory’ go through the motions of soaping, and washing your body. Let all the other tasks…

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Bumps In The Night

It’s after mid-night and you’re wide awake, again! What happened this time? Our bodies fall asleep, but much of the brain sub-conscious, is still awake – protecting us from saber-tooth tigers and monsters under the bed! It is how we are conditioned. Yet, this seems rather extreme; considering I woke up because of a toothbrush the other night!  Really! When our ‘sleep mode’ shifts through deep sleep and its rhythms, the sub-conscious picks up all kinds of information; and tries…

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Malayan tiger is resting near the lake in the jungle

Protect Your Tiger Time

ROAR! !  Does your day get filled with distractions and problems to solve? Does your Professional Development get put on the back burner all the time? Many of our workdays are chewed up with issues that are not productive. Every Entrepreneur needs to set aside time for reading, research and professional development. It is part of the job to stay on top of things or get left behind! We need a solid strategy to stay focused! Many entrepreneurs, while driven…

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Ask Kathryn About Moving

  Q: What is this I hear about you moving? Are you still going to have your newsletter? (FYI: this was an actual question this month, word for word.) A: Yes, this is true! My family of two adults, two dogs and a cat are moving! In addition, absolutely I will still offer my newsletter! Each month I ponder ‘what is going on in the world’, and then, I try to sort it out so that all of you can…

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REAL LIFE: Energy Shift for Alexis

Real Life: Case Alexis*      THE CALL Alexis called me because she felt overwhelmed with her life. She wasn’t sleeping well, so she moved into the spare bedroom. She was dealing with an audit at work and felt chronically unorganized and non-productive. After a visit with Alexis, we arranged things to help her sleep, and then, we uncovered a few other hidden issues in her home. When Alexis called me for a chat, and told me her story, she…

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Collecting ‘Gold Stars’ can Change Your Luck!

We learn as children in school, or organizations like girl guides and scouts, that doing ‘good deeds’ is a good thing; but these lessons go much further in life. When we do something ‘nice’ for someone, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. The little things such as opening a door for someone, reaching for something off the top shelve, offering encouragement, carry a package or even a smile can brighten someone’s day! One of ‘The Five Lucks’ in…

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Ask Kathryn About Feng Shui for Living Rooms & Kitchens

Q: Hey Kathryn, I’ve just moved and I was looking at ways to rearrange my living room to use more feng shui. Do you have a book on living rooms and kitchens? Thanks, Deni A: Hi Deni! Thanks for your note. Interesting enough, when a home has ‘good feng shui’, it has the ‘feeling’ of grounding, peace, safety, balance and harmony. In many cases, it can be almost undetectable! My personal book focuses on offices and careers, ‘Practical feng Shui…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.

Wendy Terriff
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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