Change; it is inevitable. Coming out of hibernation each year is a BIG DEAL! All of a sudden, one day you’ll be tired of wearing the same clothes all winter and look forward to a change. With daylight savings time, there is energy for a walk after dinner. These are all signs of the change coming ahead!
Many of us have been sick or ‘under the weather’ this past month; could it be the SAD syndrome (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? That…
Q: Kathryn, I’ve noticed that whenever I ask a feng shui question, the answer begins with ‘that depends’. What is it with the vagueness of this venue that I can’t get a straight answer about how to set up my room and get ahead in life? ~Marie
A: Good question, Marie. And yes, the answer depends on so many factors.
Feng shui is more than moving furniture around and collecting gold coins. Not only do you need to have your…
Mindfulness has been the new buzzword used to describe being quiet and ‘being in the moment’. It is easier to talk about, than it is to do it!
Mindfulness is a practise that allows you to actually forget about the ‘stuff’ going on around you, and focus on the task-at-hand. Mindfulness takes discipline. In feng shui, the practise of mindfulness is most important as this allows a way to cut through the distractions and find out what is really going…
Create a Water Feature without Water!
Many of my clients look at me sideways when I suggest a water feature; my own husband included. (But, he is coming around slowly.)
The ‘representation’ of water in feng shui is related to Career, your Life Path and also helps with Wealth and Family support. By using a representation of water, rather than ‘real water’, can still maintain support for these areas in your life.
So, why is there so much resistance utilizing…
Q: Kathryn, I’m getting ready to move and clearing out a few things. I came across a box of souvenirs we picked up from our trip to Africa years past and I don’t know if they are good for feng shui or not. I have a couple of masks, some animal carvings and a ceremonial dagger. Can you tell me if they are okay to keep, and where to put them? Or, do I just give them away? Thanks.
ASK KATHRYN about Front Doors Painted Red.
Q: Is it true that I should paint my front door red for good luck?
A: That depends what your intention is for the front door and your family. Painting your front door a red colour will certainly attract attention to your home, right out to the curb. It is important for others to find your home: helpful people, trades or emergency persons, as well as pizza delivery. Red is a lucky colour…
The month of January is one of the darkest months; And, usually, there isn’t anything special going on. However, this year Chinese New Year will be celebrated over the next two weeks beginning Jan 28, 2017! (You get a second chance to make resolutions!)
Yep… the January blahs can set in. It happens every year. The celebratory joy, festivities and social activities from last month are history. You may feel housebound. You may feel heavy; perhaps from wearing too many…
Placing a ceiling fan over a bed can be detrimental to your health! If you are having restless, sleepless nights, have a look UP at your ceiling.
Many ceiling fans are purchased with the logic that these items can save you money on air conditioning. True. But, are there other hidden costs?
In Feng shui, any item hanging over head is considered a no-no. Your sub-conscious is always aware of ‘something’ overhead. (This includes books, vases, knick-knacks, pots and…
ABOUT the AUTHOR: Sherry Brantley is a Certifed Life Coach. Author, dynamic leader and trainer specializing in the areas of ‘Goal-Setting, and Goal Getting!, an Expert and Co-Author in The Change: Insights To Self Empowerment Book Series where (his/her) chapter focuses on S.T.E.P.P. Start to Exercise Personal Power.
We are now more than half way through the 2016 year. Where do you stand with your annual goals for this year? How excited are you about…
Q: Hi Kathryn, Feng shui is supposed to help with a good nights sleep. Which is the best direction to face the bed? Thanks.
A: This is a great question! I haven’t addressed this issue with my newsletter followers, as I’ve been focusing on business. YET, we all do need a good night’s REST.
Some feng shui practitioners use the compass school to sort out the ‘best direction’ to sleep. While this system works, I find that many families do…
Wow Kathryn! I just finished your book and it is FULL of great advice, along with many of the Feng Shui principles that I hadn’t been aware of, which made perfect sense! I also took your PEP test and I was quite surprised at how it nailed my personality to a ‘T’. The way you explain Feng Shui, it’s purpose and how we can utilize it in the workplace as well as in our home environment, certainly has given me some valuable information to implement and use to be proactive in creating a bette… Read more