

Animal and Plants can BOOST Your Wealth Area

Much of the Wealth Area focus has been indoors; regarding your desk, chair and assorted items related to monetary goals and fame. You may be failing to include a bigger picture…. your property outside. This spring may be the time to give a boost to this area – and get it working for you! The property you live on, regardless of how big, how small, it is an extension of you and the family. The outside of your property can…

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Ask Kathryn About Money Frogs

  Q: Hi Kathryn, Can you tell me more about the Money frog? I heard they were lucky for wealth in feng shui so I bought one with a gold coin in his mouth. My hairdresser has one facing away from the door, and my naturpath has one on her desk facing towards the door of her office. Are these different frogs? Which way should I face the frog? A: Good question. Yes, there is conflicting information out there! The…

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Fitting In to a New Promotion

  Finding the right fit for a new job can have its upsets. Were you hired to ‘make change’ or hired to replace someone who has moved on? Or, both? Setting up a new office with the proper things to support your position includes selecting a chair and desk that is right for you. Yes, it is a BIG DEAL! If you are making-do ‘for now’, you will not be able to reach your full potential! Read more about this…

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On the LOOKOUT for Color!

I LOVE COLOR! Colour brings me a mood, a flavor-of-the-day, and makes me smile! I’m always on the lookout for more opportunities to share color with my readers. I found this cute little spot in San Diego last month, a slice of Spanish Village. Someone had the idea to paint the worn out flagstone blocks with GREAT COLOR. I was able to take a few pictures before they opened for the day. This hidden gem, inside Balboa Park, was filled…

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The Powerful Influence of Deep Water

The Powerful Influence of Deep Water A large majority of our senior population are water-people. The majority of ‘deep water’ individuals are hard workers and have experienced many of life’s hard lessons. In earlier years, they may have been a strong earth or metal element; a sensitive nurturer or a technical whiz in their profession. Now they bring a plethora of knowledge to any situation. Experience has shaped their philosophy and we can look to them for guidance and direction.…

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Ah…The Orchid!

  They are blooming and available everywhere right now! Beautiful, as well as auspicious, the orchid can be used to enhance many areas in your life! I frequently recommend an orchid ‘boost’, when I’m doing a feng shui consultation. The positive energy of this flower is very strong. ~ An orchid can be uplifting in a hard, cold office; place one on your desk. ~ An orchid can gather people together in a kitchen or dining area; place it in…

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Can You REALLY Think and Grow Rich?

I tried this in the 70 and 80’s. The motive: if I really, really thought about being rich, would I actually become rich? Well, it was worth a try! Another mantra that was popular back then: “If you think like a millionaire and act like a millionaire, then eventually, you will become a millionaire!” How many of us bought into that one? (Right up until the first Visa bill came in!) The word ‘rich’ is a term defined by each…

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Arguing Doors

  The beauty of a home with an Open Concept gives the illusion that everything in the main living area is out in the open, and the energy flows marvellously. It is a disappointment when the rest of the house doesn’t flow the same way. When a closet door opens and collides with the bedroom door, or the washroom door, you have irritation and a logistics problem.  I know there is more going on than just the obvious.  The feng…

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Colour Your World with NEW SHEETS!

  Spring is still around the corner, but already, the anticipation is killing me! This year, I just can’t wait. I’m tired of the grey-blue skies, the rain and the fog so thick it hides the mountains to the north. These last few months have been long. (As I write this, the sun came out through the clouds!) I went for a walk on West Broadway this weekend and I found a new store with SO MUCH COLOUR, you can’t…

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The Feng Shui ‘Fad’ Is Still Growing

  I have a unique perspective, studying feng shui as an outsider: caucasian, tall and blond. As an outsider, I’m referring that I did not grow up with a grandmother or a master of feng shui. Instead, I developed my logic of feng shui from a fresh perspective. I asked a lot of questions, considered the answers, and then asked more questions. When I called for my first feng shui consultant back in 1998, I was trying to blend a…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn found the perfect piece to anchor our fireplace to the rest of the room. I thought we were going to have to redo the whole thing!

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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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