

Tune into Your Body Rhythm Cycle

Your Body works all day and night to keep things balanced. Do you wonder why we are advised to eat a full breakfast in the morning? ~Our bodies have been busy all night! This is a diagram from the book `Between Heaven and Earth` by Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold, in my personal library. It contains all kinds of goodies about the body and healing process from an east-meets-west philosophy. This is brilliant! Most of the maintenance responsibilities in our…

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Ask Kathryn about Grandma’s Mirror

  Ask Kathryn about Grandma’s Mirror Q: I was given my favorite grandmother’s old oval mirror. It has some fancy carvings along the edge of the glass and some of the silver has been scraped on the back. Can I use this mirror for feng shui cures? A: I love the fact that you have a mirror from your grandmother! Anytime you accept a used item from anyone: Be sure that YOU LOVE THE ITEM! CONFIRM that the item comes from a…

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The ‘Mouth of Chi’ …

The ‘Mouth of Chi’ is at Your Front Door!  The front door and entrance of your home or office is extremely auspicious! Also referred to as the, ‘mouth of chi’, this area is the gateway between your private space and the outside world. If your entrance or doorway is blocked in any way, you could be feeling dull, unmotivated or even depressed. This condition can be compared to having a hand over your mouth; you are unable to take a…

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How Add-on’s and Renovations Alter the Balance in Your Home

Contractors, dust and upheaval all come and go, but what stays behind is FACT that you’ve altered the balance in your home. Without realizing, you can take the ‘balance’ out of the Nine Areas of Life and create ‘bonus areas’ or ‘missing areas’ without knowing. Many times, I‘m in a client’s home and through discussion, I hear: “Oh yes… that happened right after the renovations.” Let’s look at the renovations. Here is a common scenario: A couple buys a lovely…

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Potpourri: Friend or Foe?

It is fun to decorate! And, matching the right colours with the right items is exciting! But, before you buy anything, take a look at what you are actually bringing into the house. Potpourri is primarily made up of dried plants, bark and flowers. When commercially processed these flowers take on a preservative, or chemical scent. Often, colorant and dyes are added to the flowers for enhancement and some of these can be extremely toxic! And, impossible to dust! (One…

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A Winning Team

  SUCCESS can found in so many areas! Set yourself up for SUCCESS every day, and reap the rewards!    I had an opportunity to hire a team using the Feng Shui Energy Elements again this past spring.  My client wanted to test a new venue to see if their footwear could sell in a casual, nonthreatening environment. I had restrictions with signage and advertising as we were part of a larger group. Therefore, I had to change my plan:…

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Balancing Energy Patterns in Your Home

  We all have an energetic field around us. Chi-energy is unseen in our environment, but can be measured with sensitive tools searching for disruptions in energy patterns. Personal Energy Fields in humans and pets can be detected using the same dowsing tools used for geopathic stress. Personal chi-energy is also invisible to the naked eye, and depending on our moods, can influence our family positive or negative. This unseen energy can either blend into the family lifestyle, or cause…

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Communicating with Other Generations

  Today we have Pre-War Traditionalists, Post-war/baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (where did they go?) and the Millenniums, all walking the earth at the same time!  Can we all learn to communicate and get along? Each generation older or younger than you has experienced different influences in the world that have formed their lives; with different technology, new inventions to use, new parenting techniques to adopt, etc. I remember my son and his friend at the old family cottage,…

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A Family, Void of Clutter

    The dilemma:   How many hobbies can we start up at once? How many ‘collectibles’ can we display?How to find the balance of how much ‘stuff’ one can handle at one time? And, how much room we need to store memorabilia? Where is the line?  When we de-clutter to the extreme, we deprive ourselves of the memories, incentives and items that feed our soul. Hmmm… I consulted in a home recently that was void of any clutter, whatsoever! There…

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Chaos Management 101

  Did I read this right? Can you learn to manage chaos? Yes, if you can maintain a handle on your priorities! I received a phone call last week from a middle-aged lady who was recently in a car accident. She is fortunate enough not to need require a wheelchair or multiple surgeries, but she is ‘off work’ for an extended length of time. She explains that she is ‘not doing anything, yet her life feels out of control’. She…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


We hired Kathryn to provide a Feng Shui consultation to improve the energy in our home, for all family members, and to improve our business which we operate from home. We did an extensive search online for all of the Feng Shui Consultants in the Vancouver area. We phoned several consultants and found that Kathryn was the best person for our needs.

She does some preliminary work prior to the actual in-home consultation and came very prepared.

We were impressed with her comprehensive knowledge… Read more

Jane Tennant
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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