Persistence Reveals an Award for Excellence!
Established over three years ago, I’d like to highlight this little business in DaNang, Vietnam. ‘Looking Glass Jeep Tours’ is my son’s company. Despite the odds for success being a foreigner in Vietnam, persistence has paid off.
Jeremy Wilking was frustrated trying to find work a few years ago in North America. He was tired of the circus: employment, unemployment, employment, etc. When he set out for Vietnam to teach English as a…
Practical Steps to Success # 19: Twenty One Days to Change a Habit?
Why? Why? Why? Why is it SO HARD to change a few little things? Either to try something new or adapt a new habit…
Is it really mind-over-matter? Or, is something else going on?
The cliché, Twenty One Days to Change a Habit is true, but it is not what you think. It is the brain and the muscles that can be self-sabotaging! They are the ones…
The ‘Royal WE’
It is easy to fall into a routine when we are comfortable in a relationship. I think that is part of the ‘beauty’ of a long term relationship. We already know what to expect, how the chores are divided up, who is in charge of the garbage and who takes care of the laundry. But, after a while, resentment can set in. Someone else can be perceived to have a ‘better deal’ or your work schedule no…
This are great colours for meeting new people at a trade show.
Practical Steps to Success #18: Dress for Success
Your choice of clothing not only represents you and your company, but can also reflect your mood. If you are confident, clothing can help you send that message. If you are nervous about a presentation, learning which colours ‘support’ you can be very important.
Colour therapy works by stimulating your visual synapses; therefore, sending positive messages to the brain. How…
ENERGY FIELDS in Humans and Pets
Energy fields in humans and pets can be detected using the same dowsing tools for geopathic stress.
We all have an energetic field around us. Think of the chi-energy we’ve talked about earlier. It is invisible to the naked eye, but it has enough power to send out our moods and temperaments to the general public. The dowsing rod can assess your energy level by counting each time the arm swings a full…
Practical Steps to Success #16: The Magical Game of ‘If’
If I had a choice….
If I had a chance…
If I had the notion to…
If I met the right partner and had the right job, I could….
If I stretched my mind just a bit further, I wonder what I could accomplish...
If I was an actor/actress, I could move from the plane of reality and jump into another life; written and orchestrated by me.
I would…
Practical Steps to Success #14: What Makes a Good Leader?
I attended a course last week about Leadership and the question was posed, “What makes a good leader?”
It is nearly impossible to answer this question with only a few words.
Taking on a leadership role is also taking responsibility for our actions, regardless of our job position. We are all accountable for the quality of leadership we choose to adopt. Many young mangers and department supervisors are rising stars…
Kathryn at the Body, Soul and Spirit Show in Vancouver.
Practical Steps to Success #15: Expect the Unexpected
We all have goals. We all have expectations. No matter how much we want to ‘help people’, we still have to look at the bottom line.
My friend Sonia quotes, “You can’t pay the bills with a chicken anymore.”
I took a leap-of-faith last weekend to participate in the Body, Soul and Spirit Expo in Vancouver. The booth was $ taxes -and…
A new perspective: The Power of Money, by Sonia Haynes, discusses your relationship with money.
Practical Steps to Success #13: Knowledge is Power
We are born to grow and change, as nothing stays exactly the same. In growing up, we have different phases in life.
First we grow physically. Then we grow intellectually in our learning years. When we get out of school and settled into our careers, we proceed to grow our bank accounts. And, it shouldn’t end there.…
Sunshine ahead!
Practical Steps to Success #12: Support your Luck
Are some people really luckier than others? Are there some people that ‘always’ get what they want out of life? What makes them so different, and so special, than the rest of us?
In feng shui, there is a component of Buddhism; theory about ‘being lucky’ or ‘gathering good luck’. There are several factors to this theory:
~ Fate and Destiny: This is the raw, pre-destined facts of the circumstances…
Being a guest on Kathryn’s radio show, Practical Solutions for Life, was a great experience. Kathryn took me step by step to prepare me for what to expect (especially in case of technical difficulties). She asked very clear questions and was a generous and supportive host. She put me at ease and the show came out great!