Crack a Smile and Make Your Day!
Some days, like today as I write this, it is really difficult to crawl out of bed. The snowdrops are poking their heads up but the sunny mornings are still so far away. In these dark and gloomy months we need to take care of ourselves. Being in charge is important in feng shui; so make something happen.
I like to share a few things that could make you smile today.
The Nine Life Areas, in feng shui, are set in a specific order that you can relate to on any surface small or large. When assessing your goals and what you want out of life, you can utilize this grid to find areas that need attention. You can choose specific objects to help you focus, and enhance some of these areas you require to meet your working goals. This grid can be placed on a desk or an entire…
Fire People have Energy to Burn
Do you remember the last time you were really passionate about something? It could have been something quiet; perhaps a breath-taking view of the lake? Or, more emotional; such as standing up for someone who was falsely accused?
The fire element, in feng shui, is represented by the colour red and generally shows up in the Fame or Wealth areas of the home. These areas of your home are definitely hot, as they…
Dreaming Your Life Away?
Do you see a face in these clouds? This is the statue of Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion. She seems to have an omnipotent presence in the sky beside her. Is this a message for her or to us? What does this say to you?
Take a look overhead today and see what the clouds are doing. Stretch your imagination. Serious daydreamers are extremely creative! They replay scenarios, conjure up delightful solutions to problems…
I have been asked many times; “Why is feng shui so complicated? Isn’t there a quick fix to help me with my money issues?”
The layers and layers of feng shui do seem complicated. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ for each situation. However, it is be possible for you to put a few changes into place, with good intentions, and observe the shift in your situation. The rewards will come.
A practical solution: You need to make…
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] The Command Position in feng shui simplifies why you need to find the ‘best place’ to sit, eat, work or sleep. For maximum efficiency you will need to have your back protected, your vision unobstructed and good supports on each side of your body. It is easy to understand the routine process in setting up your desk and physical environment, but there is so much more.
Being in…
The Little Buddha
This little guy is barely 3” high (7cm), solid jade and full of life! He was acquired on impulse.
I am a Christian, and yet I’ve explored many of the Buddhist philosophies within the study of feng shui. I had no
intention of bringing a Buddha into my house, converting to Buddhism or starting a shrine. So, I’m a little reluctant to admit how much I am enjoying his company.
I was in a busy Jade Factory…
Q: Kathryn, I remember you talking about energy rings a few months ago and you mentioned something about using them to be more cheerful in the gloomy months. Can you elaborate on this topic?
A: I did mention energy rings back in the spring. I was talking about redirecting EMF and geopathic energy away from the body. These copper energy rings come in three sizes. One, 10” round, small enough to fit under a chair cushion. Others are 13” and…
Wealth and abundance are measured different by everyone. Wealth, in terms of feng shui, speaks of luck, fortune and abundance. These things won’t materialize without some sort of effort on our part; fortunes don’t fall out of the sky very often. We need to define what we are seeking in order to find what we are looking for. Luck, fortune and abundance can be found in many forms.
In order to change something in our lives, we need to initiate…
Stop the Madness …the short version
It was only a few years ago that we were dealing with our own renovation. Is was a complicated ordeal dealing with dry rot and removal of our east wall; then to rebuild the kitchen, two bathrooms and the upper deck.
I still have nightmares about ‘Living Under a Blue Tarp’ , ‘Where is the Microwave Today?’ and then ‘Sanity Still Prevails!’
When the year of continuous disruptions had past, the frame- of- mind…
Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.