Wow! Have you recently experienced a ‘win’ where you just felt that everything came together perfectly? Was it an AH-HA moment? Or more like a comfortable, soothing peace that washed over you?
On our journey through the Five Elements, we’ve discovered an amazing correlation between basic earth properties and people’s personalities. We all naturally gravitate towards our comfort zone, where our natural talents lie and thing are easy for us. When you find yourself confident, fulfilled, productive, energized and generally…
The elements in feng shui are related to properties of the earth; wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each of these properties has its own structure, specific components, and their own personalities. Just like us, some of these elements work very well together, and sometimes not!
When you take my Personal Element Profile Quiz (PEP) you’ll probably notice a ‘dominant element’ will emerge. Hopefully, you’ll also have a little insight into the other people in your world. The goal here…
Life is more than the routine work/home/sleep cycle. Whether we realize it or not, our lives are sorted into a plethora of accountabilities; personal areas, health and family, children, relationships, creative hobbies, spiritual growth, continuing education and learning, domestic chores, holidays, crisis management, hockey or soccer games and personal recreation. This is a lot to maintain! For personal growth and optimum health one needs to find the balance.
Feng shui has a tool called the ba-gua, which divides the life…
One of my clients writes in their concern;
“I’m still having trouble sleeping these days. I’ve checked my bed placement and taken the mirror out of the bedroom. My phone is charging in the hallway instead of my bedside table, and the laundry is out of sight. I am wide awake at 3am every morning and I just can’t function! What else can I try?”
An interesting puzzle, yet not uncommon. If you were awake ‘all night long’ I might…
Is your desk out of control? Are the documents getting misplaced? Are you anxious and stressed out easily? It may be time to pay some attention to your office and desk arrangement.
Feng Shui, the ancient art of influence for your environment, can help you sort out your surroundings and therefore your life. Often, only a few simple changes are needed to fuel the change or energy in your workspace.
1. Set yourself up in the Command Position
The Command…
Is it time to deal with the workday blues? Are you procrastinating with the projects and the task list, again? Did the summer months just slip away?
Feng Shui can be applied to re-energize your space.
The base logic of all Feng Shui ‘cures’ states you need to change something, in order to make a change. It is the energy moving that makes the change… things you can see, and things you can’t.
An example of dead energy would…
The Milking Stool
It always surprises me, when a well-grounded couple gets thrown off balance. The issue is often so trivial, you wonder what the heck was that all about. In my case, just last week, the issue was a milking stool!
My husband is an earth-personality. He likes to collect memorabilia, antiques and unique items. He holds them all very dear to his heart. In the case of the milking stool, it was originally his great-grandmother’s, from the…
ASK Kathryn
Q: What about my outdoor patio? How does this work with Feng Shui?
A: The patio is an extension of your house. So, if this area is attached to the main house, it is often a bonus for that particular life area.
The same rules apply: buy quality items, keep it clean, keep the plants alive, and bring in cool colours and pleasant sounds.
Your patio can be an escape from the hectic heat and fire of…
Q: I’ve just given my daughter two chairs from our living room. This room has always felt crowded and now it still doesn’t work. Where do I start? Is there a formula for arranging a living room?
A: The starting point is; what is the room used for? Depending on the answer, that is how to determine how much furniture you actually need. Then, decide if there is a focal point; a TV, fireplace or a nice view.
A simple…
My husband and I recently attended a Laughing Yoga Workshop.
The question: “What is Laughing Yoga?” was still in our minds as we walked into the room.
It turns out that ‘laughing’, itself, can be classified as ‘cardio exercise’; as you use your diaphragm and lungs to the fullest when applying a good full-belly laugh. Good to know!
Sitting in a circle of about 16 strangers, it would appear that no one was going to talk, let alone laugh…
Kathryn, Thank you for your suggestions. And yes, I totally feel like I’ve stepped into a new life for myself — it feels amazing!
The search for the right artwork really helped, and I added an old look shelving unit yesterday; it has noticeably improved how I feel in my home. When all the new artwork is on the walls, I’ll send you pics :).