Settle in. Here’s a poem from one of my latest fans, Thirdy A. Adamson.
Thank You so much! Kathryn
Feng Shui, Oh Feng Shui
by Thirdy A. Adamson
Feng Shui, oh Feng Shui,
A balance of energy we pursue,
To harmonize our space and view,
And make our lives feel brand new.
From the flow of chi to the placement of plants,
Feng Shui has its rules and chants,
To enhance our homes and bring good luck,
It’s not just…
Woo-Woo? (Weird stuff we can’t see…)
The main intention of this blog is about encouraging you to look at things differently. And then, seize the opportunity to take charge of your own space, your stuff and your life!
We started with the First layer of Feng Shui; learning about Function and Flow.
The Second layer was about the cryptic messages we send ourselves though color, shapes and images.
The Third, is the spiritual component, also known as ‘woo- woo’ (weird…
A Feng Shui crystal is round and multifaceted; numerous light refraction areas will bring rainbows into your space, all year round!
We are quickly moving into the Spring Equinox March 20th . Time to tidy up and place enhancements in your space; get your space working for you! Think of enhancements as attention-getters. Feng Shui has an assortment of choices that can bring attention to your space and help to reinforce intentions. Move forwards with intention this year. The intention…
Clutter Habit Cues Relating to Your Personal Element
Ever wondered why some people can thrive in a messy world, and others need a system?
Your personality reveals your unique clutter habits!
Learning how to maintain the clutter in your life will certainly help keep the clutter bugs away! Your clutter habits relate to the element characteristics: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
~ If you relate to the descriptions below in only one element, chances are this is your dominant…
I wanted to do something playful today. I’m going share the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…this time a metaphysical interpretation.
Much of this insight/interpretation is taken from the writings of Florence Shovel Shinn 1870- 1938; her teachings are still relevant today.
It’s amazing how this story-movie, a fairy story, swept New York and the whole country back in 1928. The fairy tale was supposed to be for children, and yet, you know that many fairy tales are…
Earth Mama’s Can Cook
Are you the type of person that loves to stay in the kitchen when having guests over? You’re the one who loves to nurture, love to give and love to share! You CAN COOK!
And yet, other people, are more comfortable on the other side of the counter!
Some people just love to watch others enjoy the food, laugh as they chat and are more social-oriented, greeting others they haven’t seen in a while. It’s all…
Summer time is all about excitement, laughter, sunshine and being outside!
When fall arrives, we venture inside. And yet, we still need the Fire-element in our lives. We NEED the spark!
What draws us this to this light, this spark, this mesmerizing element?
The fire-element is no-doubt the most exciting element!
It’s bright! It’s light! And, the fire-energy moves upwards!
You can’t help yourself; it commands attention away from all the other elements!
Outside, you many be drawn…
Good Morning! What draws us to water? All water.
Well, we are 95% water.
And yes, it can very soothing and calming to the soul…
Check out water-element items in your backyard, and home and see if water can enhance your favorite places.
More about the influences of Water People:
Water-people Have Deep Influence
Kathryn’s Tip:
Choose Your Seat for Thanksgiving Dinner
Finding the ‘best place to sit’ is easy if you know how!
Anytime, and anywhere you go, choose the best seat possible if you can.
Kathryn talks about the pitfalls of sitting in the ‘wrong’ seat.
Advice you can tap into when in a coffee shop, your office and dining room.
Yes, Thanksgiving is on the horizon!
REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE: Get to the table early to ‘mark your…
Savory Stuffed Pumpkin
Savory Stuffed Pumpkin RECIPE DOWNLOAD PDF
1 small pumpkin 8-10” diam or
2 smaller pumpkins 5-6”
1.5 lbs of lean ground beef
1 cup fine bread crumbs
½ cup diced onion
1.2 diced green pepper
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 cups canned tomatoes
½ cup catsup
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp parsley flakes
½ tsp basil
½ tsp oregano
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp cayenne
1 Tbsp sesame seeds
Garlic powder…