Feng Shui Consultations

Everyone should love their home!

Feng Shui is all about the energy; things you can see and things you can’t. It’s a way of arranging your space to be beneficial and work for you.

We use space planning, colour therapy and more to find the best way to enhance your life. In fact, we can manipulate the energy to your advantage!

A detailed look at your floor plan can provide insight for change. We can identify weaker areas in your home that need attention, as well as bonus areas, and provide solutions for you to thrive.

You can request a full site evaluation or just one area of your space. While it is recommended to look at the entire floor plan, to look at the full picture of function and flow, you have a service option to focus on one specific area here.

We will evaluate your living space, inside and out!

A bagua grid is placed on the floorplan to determine certain auspicious areas. We can build strength in many areas of your home: such as Relationships, Career, Wealth, Health, Fame, Family, Knowledge and Creativity.

Many times, I recommend ‘clutter clearing’ of your personal items and personal space. This action often leads to clarity and empowerment to make more change.

Together we will explore questions such as: What is below the bedroom? Above? Outside? Where does the plumbing and electrical run through the house? Ventilation? Outside connections?

Everything in and outside your building can affect your health and job performance.

What else should you expect to happen?

Feng Shui is very logical, functional and reasonable in the way the energy can shift and work in your environment. We will identify the areas (mutually decided upon through discussions) and support those areas positively. Most clients see and feel change in their environment right away!

If you are considering to purchase a new home, I can evaluate the new floor plan. By identifying auspicious areas, you will learn to get these areas working for you faster; we can cultivate support for that area right away!

How will this ‘cure’ work?

To start, I personally like to offer simple cures which are tangible, and the least disruptive in the home. From there, we talk about traffic flow and support items to be placed in the auspicious areas in order to gain results.
Often it is the ‘intention’ to make the change and the ‘action to make the change’ that stimulates the new energy required to facilitate change.
When your mind focuses on the intention, the changes follow through.

What I Do

People ask me all the time, “What are you going to do at my house?”

It really depends on the situation, as every site visit is different, but ultimately the result is the same: I provide practical tips, tools and recommendations to make positive changes to your home, furnishings, office and lifestyle to solve home, career and relationship challenges – bringing YOU more comfort, harmony and flow back into your life.

Typically, the people I work with are struggling with at least one of the Nine Areas of Life. They come to me because they are dissatisfied with some aspects of their lifestyle including health, wealth, career, success, relationships, family, children, home, or office.

You may initially inquire about something specific, yet, there could be another area that is stagnant or an interference:

  • Wealth and Abundance issues are often paired with the Career Area.
  • Relationship issues are symbiotic with Knowledge and Self Discovery.
  • Without a good night’s sleep, your Health could need a boost in order for you to function during the day.

Feng Shui is very practical, subtle, and it works! In a very gentle way, uses energy to shift things in your life. Learning to harness or manipulate that energy can certainly help you be in charge of your life!

If you want something to change in your life, you need to change something.

Check out the testimonials from people just like you:

I am feeling very good and my space feels very good and fresh as well. I am loving the new layout with my desk and I just got rid of one of my chairs yesterday. The new spaces for the art feels right. I’ve decluttered the area behind my desk, and I’ve made a few beautiful little touch-ups in my bedroom to hopefully attract some more wealth! No further on the job search because I’m just simply enjoying my free time, ha ha. But I will get there eventually I have no doubt of that. I really appreciated you coming over and all the wisdom and creativity that you shared with me and my apartment. I feel very ready to usher in the change of the summer and I am very excited about that! Thank you.

Jane Tennant, Richmond, B.C

We hired Kathryn to provide a Feng Shui consultation to improve the energy in our home, for all family members, and to improve our business which we operate from home. We did an extensive search online for all of the Feng Shui Consultants in the Vancouver area. We phoned several consultants and found that Kathryn was the best person for our needs. Cont.

John Waters, Vancouver

Kathryn, Thank you for your suggestions. And yes, I totally feel like I’ve stepped into a new life for myself — it feels amazing!

The search for the right artwork really helped, and I added an old look shelving unit yesterday; it has noticeably improved how I feel in my home. When all the new artwork is on the walls, I’ll send you pics :).

Professor of Business

Package Options

Here are a few packages to help you on your Feng Shui journey:

A1. HOME SITE SERVICES are available within geographic areas.
Please book a pre-visit chat: https://calendly.com/kathryn-99/30min  

A2: Home Harmony with The Five Elements: Via ZOOM
A full-spectrum
Introduction of the Areas of Life using the Five Elements.

~ Still looking for answers to create Function & Flow in your home?

  1. Understanding how the energy cycle works can support you properly; shake anxiety & harbor less stress.
  2. Locate auspicious areas in your home; support weaker ones and enhance stronger ones!

The goal: Creating positive function & flow in your home will result in a calmer, functional family life. Get YOUR space working for you!

~ Intro Classes starting every few weeks!

I’ll be with you every step of the way!” -Kathryn

Contact me to learn about starting dates and full information: kathryn@kathrynwilking.com 

Home Harmony; the way to learn through ZOOM. 

B. GOLD STAR* Feng Shui for LIFE! -Personal Consultations with Kathryn

READY for a MAJOR SHIFT? Milestone Birthday? Something’s not working for you?

TAKE A DEEP DIVE into the auspicious areas in your entire space. We’ll look into your lifestyle, goals and figure out HOW to get where you want to GO! Feng Shui is TRANSFORMATION: Get your issues solved quickly in a POWER HOUR or easy sessions over a few weeks! 

Is something out-of-sorts? Is there an area in your home that isn’t used efficiently? Maybe there is a shift of energy in your home; people moving in, or out… many people consider feng shui the best fix as it addresses physical and emotional needs.


Each Package includes No-nonsense, Practical Solutions to Create a Life you LOVE: INTENSIVE for 8 weeks

  • Eight weeks of personal coaching: A PDF lesson sent to your email early in the week, and then, a 1:1 ZOOM call with Kathryn.
  • Four Key Theory Components + FOUR Personal Components + ONE BONUS Follow Up Session. = NINE sessions
  • Access to Kathryn for 8 weeks:  Ask any questions. Help with any shopping recommendations.
  • Auspicious Space & Color Therapy; designed to support you and your goals.
  • Everything will be recorded with your permission.
  • Detective Basics: Floor-plan Analysis. Google Earth analysis. Cycle of Life expectations.
  • BONUS: Personality Profiling for Job Search and Relationship building.
  • BONUS: Snail-mail package sent to your address: laminated charts, books, crystals and goodies.

Longevity: Feng shui never goes out of style. You’ll have this knowledge to review again and again, with the skills to weather the storms ahead! 

 FENG SHUI has Practical Solutions to Create a Life You Love! 


Private Sessions run approx. 8 weeks for the program. Everything is customized to fulfill your dreams!

One thing I’ll ask you is:

**What is the ONE MAIN THING that you desire to change RIGHT NOW?

-We’ll address this one FIRST! 

TRANSFORMATION: Get your issues solved quickly in a POWER HOUR or easy sessions over a few weeks!

It ALL begins with a CHAT and make a plan: Get Your Space Working For You!

LET’S GET STARTED! I need to know your contact information, and then, we’ll BOOK a CHAT! 

Talk Soon, Kathryn


C. Home Harmony Floor Plan Analysis |(Online Service)

Planning to buy a new home, or move into a new building? Perhaps you’re having trouble settling into your home or office space?

Let’s look at a fresh view of your environment and identify the Key Areas in life that aren’t in balance; the top few are often wealth, health, career and relationships.

This package will help arrange your space to cultivate better flow and fewer conflicts.

We’ll identify weak or missing areas in your home and office, which can be causing disruption in your life.

On your ZOOM call, you’ll receive a Personal Report using a floorplan of your space. I’ll answer all your questions.
This will include:
* Power Point Presentation regarding the function, flow and health of your current floorplan.
* PDF COPY of Slides for your records.
* Zoom recording of our session
* Recommendations for placement arranging furniture and bedrooms.


D. The One-Room Office Rescue

This package is popular with small businesses and home offices. Experience an ‘office rescue’ like no other!

Work with me on Zoom during this 4-part series where we shake procrastination and re-set productivity and abundance into your business.


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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Kathryn has the gift of making her show guests feel welcomed and comfortable. I know she truly cares about offering value to her listeners and was honoured to be one of her guests talking about the importance of proper business branding. Her experience in the field of Feng Shui transcends into her show where everyone benefits from the important topics she covers all in an easy and entertaining format.

Susan Friesen, BBA
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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