
Helping Hands

These hands are more than life size!

These hands are more than life size!

Most people place emphasis on cultivating Wealth, Health and Relationships when working with the feng shui bagua; This article explores an often overlooked section of the bagua, ‘Helpful People’.

Often referred to as HP & T (Helpful People and Travel), this area is situated in the immediate right corner as you walk in the main door. It is associated with your relationships and transactions in the outside world. Neglecting to prepare this area for smooth interactions can lead to miscommunication, disappointment and feelings of loneliness or despair.

(See the Blog link for bagua reference and find the HP area.)

Feng shui preaches good ethical manners, mutual respect for all life forms, and respectful cohabitation in the world; this is reflected in the ‘Helpful People area. There is an emphasis on benefactors in this area; to give and to receive; and the notion of karma. In last month’s article, How to Make Your Own Luck, we discussed how karma works and how our good deeds can manifest themselves back to us.

You can see how this mind-set can work in many areas of your life:

  • People in Business: Business and client relationships go both ways. Many business owners have a tough job keeping a balance with many things that go on each day. It is very important not to overlook, or take for granted, these relationships. A business in the service industry often requires developing long term relationships. Alternatively, the retail industry deals with one-time impulsive transactions; but, they could come back. If you have a choice, place your cash register or Customer Service Department in the Helpful People area of your facility. Right away, this area becomes a lighthouse! People automatically assess, or gaze, from left to right; therefore, the last thing they will process out of the corner of their eye, is help! Often relieved, someone is there to help them.


  • Travel: Have you ever had to ask for directions, hail a cab, got lost in an airport, or have all your plans fall apart? Helpful people are necessary when travelling, and not just in the hotels and restaurants. The way you carry yourself and your attitude towards the local people and their crafts, will all come with you. Be respectful of change, new foods and local customs to accommodate you. Many people place their upcoming plane tickets in the HP section on their desks or in their homes and pray for safe travels.


  • Working with Co-workers: The power struggle that comes between subordinates and co-workers in the chain of command can be exhausting. Is it possible to express praise or happiness for one another; a promotion, a big sale, or a great presentation? Your nemesis can be your best friend or your worst enemy -as you require support regarding data, shipping information, contracts and more. The more you support others in their work; you help with your own successes. It is better to ‘agree to disagree’ and cool off, than escalate a heated encounter. Place your Assistant or right hand person beside you on your right, or any papers/documents that need processing on the right hand side of your desk in the HP area.


  • Home life and maintenance: ‘Helpful People’ can work in your own home within your own family; being helpful to others, compromise when chores need to be done and cooperate with the larger goals of the family. A healthy balance of trust and respect for all family members and pets can promote confidence, support and self-respect for all. Many families place religious items in this area to enhance good spiritual vibes and generate protection from a higher power.

People who naturally ‘want to help’ have the strong nurturing qualities often found in earth-people.  They choose professions such as nursing, home care workers, doctors, veterinarians, child care, teachers, and more. That doesn’t mean that the rest of us cannot learn these skills. Even the simple act of making your front walkway clean and clear will give others a signal that you are welcoming and approachable. You never know when you will need helpers in the house or a package/pizza delivered.

The concept of helping or ‘being neighbourly’ is strong in some neighbourhoods, yet can be virtually non-existent in larger cities. Remember the days when a neighbour would wave to you from the front porch? Do you remember celebrations when a new baby came into the neighbourhood or the communal help when someone was down on their luck? Benefactors can also be found right in your neighbourhood.

~ A few years ago, when I lived in the smaller city of St.Catharines, Ontario, I was raking leaves and busy with a large yard clean-up. A couple of young girls (9-10 years old) walked by and stopped to pat my dog and chat a bit. One of them asked if I’d like some help with my leaves and I replied, ‘Sure! That would be nice.’

They had just begun to help when the older one asked if I was going to pay them! A little startled, I replied: ‘No. But, I’ll see if I have a snack for you when we finish.’

And then another question: ‘What was the snack?’

I’m sure they were looking for cookies or sweets; none of which I had in the house. I had no answer for them. They lifted a few more handfuls of leaves, mumbled amongst themselves and then decided to move on.

I still remember questioning myself: What did I expect, free labour from children? And on the other hand, what happened to being neighbourly? How do we teach our children this concept?

~By setting a good example ourselves in all walks of life.

Compassion is often misrepresented when the need has a price attached. Benefactors are important in this crazy world we live in. Paying it forward is a great lesson to learn.

We can all do our part in making the world a better place.

~Kathryn Wilking

Kathryn of Kathryn Wilking Designs is a Professional Member of the IFSG (International Feng Shui Guild) Author, Teacher and Feng Shui Consultant.

Kathryn is available for innovative talks for workshops and Lunch ‘n Learn programs. Contact her to discuss a topic for your group:

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About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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Will definitely stay in touch, you are an inspiration to me and I am blessed to have you as a peer in the industry we love.

Your book BTW is not far away from my desk for reading purposes often.

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