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Take the quiz nowGreeting for MAY-June 2020
Hi! I wanted to bring you a message that is relevant and inspirational this month…
The last thing I wanted to do was to give you a message that keeps dwelling on this virus and shut down stuff…. And yet, many of us are spirally out trying to sort the next phase of action. It’s all about changes, and … The first in a new series to Taking Charge!
I wish to let you know you are not alone. It’s trying to figure out what we have control over, and what we don’t. You’ve heard the canned description of Feng Shui: wind and water… the things you can see and the things you cant’? Right? We need to accept the things we CAN control, and the things we can’t. ** Finding the balance**. Therefore, This greeting brings a new perspective!
Many stereotypes in FS talk about cold coins and flower arrangements! How lovely! But there is SO MUCH MORE!
While we can focus on the tangibles: colour therapy, adding a plant and arranging furniture, that is only the beginning.
You also have control over the things you cannot see; life itself!
My studies with FS show that you can balance your energy even on a lousy day! You CAN feel not-your-best any time; not just blame things on a lockdown virus!
At one point, not long ago, I found myself living in a beautiful house in a lovely neighbourhood, but I wasn’t thriving. I was unhappy. The vibration of the city, the noise and hustle just weren’t for me… and I had to CHOOSE to reset almost every day!
First, start with an energy point, your heart: the center of it all.
Big Hug. Look inside. What is going on today? What’s wrong? Start within. Am I tired? Hungry? Am I lethargic to the situation? Is it my sweater that itches me? Do what you can to problem solve with these very basic needs before you… do anything else!
And then,
Reach out from this space, your inner energy can spread out through your arms to reach for things you need… The things you can control.
One thing I like to do each morning is to set the mood, or intention for the day with a mug I have chosen.
I have a few line up here, and I’d like to show you how I choose to control the start of my day.
This one: A mug with a yellow center and covered with flowers; I choose to uplift a grey day with luscious flowers.
This one: A green mug covered in paw prints. It has a jocular message from my son…when I need a laugh.
Another, A hand-painted mug with two native-spirits ladies; I choose when I’m meeting new people or partnerships.
Another, perhaps an inspirational message.
This next one: reminds me of my dad. The day after he died, a male cardinal came to visit me at the front door. So that is nice to spend time with ancestors.
This one, the turtle, gives me strength. I know I’ll have my back covered all day.
But, whatever works for you. What is going to bring you joy today?
This new season is all about change, so change it up!
You’ll notice I changed a few things in my Newsletter to keep it exciting for you!
There are messages in the images you’ve chosen to place in your home.
I’m here to help.
I have Practical Solutions to support you in creating a harmonious & supportive lifestyle.
Scroll on down to find out what’s new and check out my Facebook page for regular updates: Wilking Designs
Remember to play safe.
All the best,
Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?
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