
Life is Like a Deck of Cards

Learning more about life at Grandma’s house.

Life is Like a Deck of Cards 

I have fond memories of visiting Grandma and Grandad to stay overnight; we’d always play cards. They are the ones who taught us kids how to play rummy, cribbage, king’s corners and more. They taught us about taking turns and patience with other players. (The wilder Euchre games came later.)

Playing Cards can teach you a lot about life!

When my son was small, I’d play with a smaller number of cards and teach him the numbers. We’d play the ‘match game’ and a version of dominoes to make a ‘train’ running through the living room. (Never underestimate the play-value of a $2. Pack of cards.)

Playing cards seemed to go out of style when Super Mario started dancing across the screen. Other gaming engineers stepped up their game and all the kids turned towards electronic games.

It wasn’t until my husband Stephen cracked his pelvis (about 10 years ago) that I broke out the cards again. Just like my Grandparents, we played cards after dinner while he was recovering. (!)

You probably realize there’s both luck and strategy in card games, and in life. You may get dealt a ‘good deal’, and with some tactics, you can WIN THE GAME. Or, you may get dealt a ‘not-so-great deal’ and have to think harder in order to WIN the game. – Quite often, a ‘not-so-great-deal’ can add up to a greater number of points; if you play the cards right!

It’s what you DO with what you’ve GOT -right now, in front of you!


Setting up strategy…

Problem Solving Dilemmas: How do I get out of this jam I’m in? How can I grab ‘the win’?  What does my opponent have that I need to know? DO I take a risk or fold my cards? Am I in for the long haul, or do I quit?

It’s all about choices in life.

Yes, the Game of Life is very similar to a strategic card game, yet it can have higher risks. Playing ‘games’ can teach you to organize your thoughts, be mindful, tap into your problem-solving skills and plan the execution.

  • How do you manage the cards that you’ve been dealt each day?
  • Could you magically produce the ‘card’ you need to get the prize?

Life does land you a curve ball once in a while, or even a short deck. It’s up to you to take stock of your ‘cards’ and figure out how to play them, depending on the circumstances presented.

You always have a choice.

If you regularly experience chaos, rewinding ideas in your head, get sideswiped with chatter, guilt or whatever comes up, endless shuffling will not help you get ahead of the game.
– You need to take strategic action in order to play the game of life.

Strategic. Confident. Mindful.

Feng Shui can help you set up your life for success in many areas: Relationships, Business, Health Wealth, Creativity and so much MORE!
This is a crazy world we live in; let’s try to make sense of things, so you can maneuver through life easily and create a win!
If you’d like to chat further about how Feng Shui can make things better for you,  let’s talk further. I’m here to help.

Happy times, Kathryn

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.

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