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This little guy is barely 3” high (7cm), solid jade and full of life! He was acquired on impulse.
I am a Christian, and yet I’ve explored many of the Buddhist philosophies within the study of feng shui. I had no
intention of bringing a Buddha into my house, converting to Buddhism or starting a shrine. So, I’m a little reluctant to admit how much I am enjoying his company.
I was in a busy Jade Factory in Beijing last month, ready to check out, when I saw the little guy sitting there with his friends. A Laughing Buddha, so jolly, that it was impossible not to smile. I thought, “What a great item to have at the side of my desk each day”… and before I knew it, he had jumped into my hand, into a box, and he was on his way to my hotel room.
What I didn’t realize was the price tag was in US dollars, not Chinese Yuan/dollars. Therefore, since I naively divided by six thinking I had this all figured out; this impulse item cost me much more than I imagined.
Embarrassed to show off my new purchase, I kept it in the little box until the last visit to the Temple. The monk at the temple agreed to ‘bless’ our group purchases for a small donation. I carefully considered my offerings: the little Buddha, a jade bracelet, two bracelets for health, and two infinity knots with coins. I tucked them all safely into a bag and then into my purse.
The group assembled before we walked over to the temple. One person had a shopping bag full of t-shirts, bracelets, prayer mala’s, and more beads. Another rolled in with a small carry-on suitcase full of
silk comforters, clothing and scarves. Then, more misc. stuff appeared: blankets and lacquered items, coins, little pendants and carvings. There were other auspicious items but it was hard to see them.
Holy smokes, it looked like another bazaar!
The translator explained to us the monk would only bless our items if we had a statue or image of Buddha; as he was just following the Buddhist order. I stayed silent.
One gal produced a small carving of a Buddha inside a locket. No one else had purchased a statue.
I decided to speak up, “I have a small Buddha.” Handing over my precious overpriced statue (or was it?),
the monk smiled and agreed to bless the plethora of things we had acquired over the last two weeks.
My little Buddha was elevated a few inches off the altar and appeared to be inadequate for the task. When I looked again a few minutes later, it was with affection (as he had made this all possible). I had to chuckle. So, picture this: a little guy with the spiritual strength of many more, held ‘high court’ to a whole bunch of misc. purchases. He was definitely the man for the job and smiled the whole time!
Now, back in Canada, my little Buddha is sitting on the left side of my desk in my wealth section. He is certainly up to the task of looking after me on a daily basis; and he continuously makes me smile!
What a great souvenir to bring back from the orient!
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