
Money in Circulation

Money, money, money…

A huge topic that always has so many problems and solutions attached to it.

Money carries its own energy. It’s magnetic. It can also spark different emotions in people; for good or not-so-good.

For specific issues and upsets in any home, a Feng Shui expert will begin to look for blockages and disruptions in your physical home. ‘Blockage in your home’ could be many things, yet, issues with water are most likely related to money.

Money energy in Feng Shui is tightly connected to the water element.

In the past few years, many of us are using ‘less cash’ and still spending more. Does this mean we are detached from our hard-earned money because we cannot see it or touch it? We don’t even feel pain, or joy, when paying bills or ordering items on line. We only see money as a number on the screen in our bank accounts.

Blockage with money can happen without anyone noticing. The simplest way to know is the tangible check on activity of all water in the home.

Any blocked drains, clogged gutters or murky smells are all connected with blockage of income.

Leaky taps, drippy washing machines and broken hoses will reflect wasting assets and will reveal that your money is flowing out-the-back-door.

Be sure to do regular checks in these key areas.

Another blockage relating to money that is not-so-tangible; the action of ‘hoarding funds’. Some people tuck money away to save for a specific purpose- and then make that purchase; this is not hoarding. The people that are saving for a rainy day and never spend it or share it are stifling their ability to grow.

These folks stockpile a cache of their hard earned money, watch the bank account grow, and then wait.

At some point, the energy will stagnate; failing to spend money on themselves for self care, good food, or even share with others. This action will stall all movement of flow, making it more difficult for any income to come in or out.

Money and its energy needs to be circulated in order to BE valued to the fullest.

You’ve heard the saying ‘what goes around comes around’.

I’m not suggesting to start spending randomly and recklessly. Have a budget for yourself to meet your needs and continue to look after yourself as a valuable asset to the movement of this dynamic, abundant money-energy.

Could circulating money help to grow your own…?

We’re moving into the last quarter of the year where the most excessive spending occurs.

Women historically make impulse purchases for clothing and self-care items.

May I suggest before you start shopping, take inventory of your closet and drawers to remove everything that doesn’t fit or haven’t worn in ages. At the same time, purge your makeup, old medications, spoiled items and more.  Decide what you really need for your self care.

You’ll suddenly have available space! There’s also very good abundance-energy when purging. Spend wisely on what you need.

This clean-and-purge exercise and this energy continues on as it teaches you to make decisions regarding YOU. Once you’ve develop a inner peace about what really matters, you’ll be able to circulate the money energy and be fulfilled with everything you need. This energy will come back to you in so many other ways.

Spend and save your wealth wisely along the journey through life, Kathryn

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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HI Kathryn!

What I appreciate from you is the ‘follow up’ you offer to clients.

We just started making changes in our home. Things are great!

Thank you for caring. (My son) is now sleeping in his own bed; loves his space full of stickers!

We are okay now.

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