
Money Talks, or does it?

Money Has Power


Remember when you used to ‘cash’ a paycheck?

Do you remember feeling pride and importance of having a job? Then, a chore to line up at the bank on Fridays – to turn a paper cheque into cash.

Our banking and spending habits have changed over the years; so how are you handling this?

With the ‘new wave’ of APPS and clicks, auto-deposit, tap for payment, I’m sure there are many people out there who can’t remember when they last stopped into a bank. While ‘tapping’ sure makes things easier we tend to be out-of-touch with real money. (I spent a great deal of time in Retail, pressing credit cards into a machine and asking for signatures; very time consuming.)

Let’s go back a bit, to the time of cashing a paycheck. Money, real money, has a scent. It has energy. It also can bring a smile to a young child’s face. It can be shiny and auspiciously, brilliant in manipulating what you want – if you have money!


There was a time that I knew exactly how much money was in my account. There also was a time that I documented each cheque I wrote and … Did we have more time back then too? And now, we’ve eliminated the penny. (That precious penny that could buy a loaf of bread 100 years ago.) And, we carry more ‘cards’ than actual cash!

And, much of this interaction with money is lost.  Our wallets are full of Identification, membership cards, point cards, credit cards and perhaps a business card. But really, not many people carry cash money.


Perhaps this is an odd question: What is your relationship with money?

My friend and colleague Patricia Rundblade answers this question in her Facebook Page:

Essentially money is a symbol of energy, and everything in the Universe is made up of energy.
Our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirit all consists of energy.

Money is a medium of exchange chosen to represent our creative energy.

Since money symbolizes energy, our financial affairs tend to reflect how our life energy is moving.

When your creative energy is flowing freely – you may notice more money coming into your life.

When your energy gets blocked, so does your flow of money into your life.

Everything going on in your life is a reflection of how energy is moving in your life.

Money is just another mirror that reveals what is going on in our consciousness…what is and what isn’t working.

If you pray hard enough, does money automatically FLOW out of machines into your face? Well…

In Feng Shui, when attempting to cultivate a fresh cash flow, there are prompts to look at our relationship with money. It is tough to evaluate this because we don’t even SEE real money anymore! Who carries CASH anyways? WHY would you carry cash when a plastic card could be easier? What is the difference?  Well, when you pay with a plastic card, can you feel a drain out of the bank account? Can you justify the tip suggested on the prompt? Are you even paying attention to the total charge in the display of the hand-held machine?

  • A fresh bill

  • A visual-aid can bring consciousness back to reality; keep money in your wallet!
  • Have you seen the NEW Canadian $50. Bills? They are very auspicious: red, vinyl, holographic and amazing! This bill is an auspicious ‘tool’ to carry; certainly able to ‘raise the vibration in your wallet! It will indeed make you think twice about spending it; and again, re-evaluate what you are buying!


Feng Shui ethics or not, the way to receive more money is to give it the respect it deserves.

Money, as a means of ‘trading goods for services’ still has a pulse. Even if you cannot see or touch this valuable resource, I challenge you to address your money by doing a few easy tasks to cultivate Spring Growth in all areas:

  1. Clean out purses and wallets. Replace if necessary. Everything should be organized, have a place for every card, license and coffee card. Do not carry a torn, ragged wallet. Choose a wallet or purse that makes you feel great! Your wallet is responsible for carrying your entire ‘life’s worth’!

2. Cull and remove retail receipts, grocery lists and food wrappers every night. This clean-up policy includes your car, the entrance when you dump things coming in, as well as the areas in                   your home where you sit for home banking, internet purchases and such. This respect for money- energy can infiltrate your home.

It’s so easy to part with money.

ADD VALUE to your efforts earning this money:

  • Respect that your money is working for you everyday, all day.
  • Trust yourself to purchase what you need, and know exactly where you are spending your money.
  • Gift others, so they too can embrace the wonders that are available through receiving more.
  • Don’t forget where the money came from; early employer, happy clients, mother’s estate, grandfather’s trust fund… yes, there is a personal touch to be found.

Yes, ‘Money talks’, but it’s not an unlimited supply. Use this resource responsibly and watch what happens next. Perhaps there will be a ripple happening, a shift in the universe for good habits to form, responsibility/respect for our eco-systems and so much more.

Take charge, today.

~ Kathryn

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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