
Practical Steps to Success #11: …Still not doing what you want to do?


Practical Steps to Success #11: …Still not doing what you want to do?

Still not happy? Things haven’t turned out the way you had hoped?

It is easy to get caught up in passing fads or excitement when you were younger. You made choices that were okay at the time, and that is fine.  Our ‘journey through life’ is progressive. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

So, what to do now?

Take a journey back into your past. (I know, I resisted this too: Who needs to re-live childhood.) Please, Stay with me.

Look for clues in the past. You processed things in simpler times… things you did or dreamed about can give you a clue for your next chapter in life.

True stories:

~~ One of my neighbours had a 5 year old boy that decided he would only wear blue. How cute! Blue underwear, blue pants, blue shoes, coats…you get it. Blue! This was not a phase, it lasted forever. When I ran into her a few years ago, I discover that little Johnny was a Policeman in Toronto! He wears a blue uniform every day! How did he know this was his calling?

~~ Another fellow grew up with six or seven siblings and a dysfunctional mother. His memories of childhood were of chaos and fighting all the time. He managed to rise out of the rut in the family home and got into medical school. His first few years as a MD were a let-down; he was disgruntled and unfulfilled.

When he chose to work exclusively in the ER; emergencies were way more fun! He could handle all the chaos and excitement that went with the job! Not many people can do this job for 30 years!

~~ My stepson told me ten years ago that I should write an Advice Column. I didn’t take him seriously as was trying to explain something to him in great detail; as he wasn’t paying attention.  But, here I am writing a blog and I am helping people! This sure sounds like an advice column.

Whatever it is that is niggling away at you, I challenge you to explore. Do you want to work outside? There are a lot of careers with plants and trees.  Or, do you prefer to work with people, rather than computers? Perhaps, a walk down memory lane will help to open another door.

This could be the time to start the next chapter in your life.

You are the author of your own life story!


Kathryn of Kathryn Wilking Designs is an Author and Feng Shui Consultant. Her recent book; Practical Feng Shui for the Office, is available in e-book and paperback. Check out, or

There are more Practical Solutions for Life at

About Kathryn Wilking

Author, Home Stager, Feng Shui Consultant

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui

Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.

Her book, Practical Feng Shui for the Office; never goes out of style!
Would you like to chat with Kathryn? Join her for a Virtual Coffee Chat.

Find her on social media:
LinkedIn: Kathryn Wilking
Twitter: @KathrynWilking

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