The month of January is one of the darkest months; And, usually, there isn’t anything special going on. However, this year Chinese New Year will be celebrated over the next two weeks beginning Jan 28, 2017! (You get a second chance to make resolutions!)
Yep… the January blahs can set in. It happens every year. The celebratory joy, festivities and social activities from last month are history. You may feel housebound. You may feel heavy; perhaps from wearing too many layers to keep warm. The holiday decorations are down, the show-of-lights has lost its thrill, and the days are still long…cold…and endless. Anxiety and depression can set in.
I know, for me, it takes twice as long to get out of the house; there are many more layers to put on in order to stay warm.
This is (seasonally) a yin energy month; quiet, restorative, heavy & hibernating. We are ‘supposed to be’ having down-time to restore our strength and energy, for the fast growth and activities in the spring.
In feng shui, we learn to generate life and energy in simple, practical ways. Let’s look at a few ‘simple cures’ to help push past these dark days:
1: Light: Turn on the lights, open the blinds and let any light out there come on inside! Energy crystals and bling can also help cure the blahs at this time of year. Yes, lights and shiny objects can fuel your psyche. (In addition, you could keep the seasonal lights on a few weeks longer.)
2: Colour: Colour therapy goes a long way in the drab months. Take a field trip to your local fabric store, paint store or decorating store. A field trip may be just what you need to conquer depression. I Love IKEA at this time of year; just absorb the colors while you are there.
Rearrange a few things at your home: A fresh table cloth or new towels may be an inexpensive boost to jump-start the day, and shake out the blahs.
3. Action: Get out of the house! I know, it is cold outside, and, a hat makes your hair look stoo-pid. But, getting outside to greet what little sunshine there is, low in the sky, can give what you need to boost the blahs from your system. Get out and shake! Dance in the snow, shovel the walk and feed the birds. Or, check out the Chinese New Year Celebrations near your town. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy; just get outside and breathe in the freshness of the season.
4. Remember to smile! Winter will not last forever; it just may seem like it in January. Count your blessings each day and remind yourself that spring is just around the corner.
The yin-energy months do not default you to sit on the couch all winter; the yin months can be ‘restorative’ to your home and family. Tap into the new energy as it thaws in your space. Therefore, go forth and restore thyself.
All the best for your continued success in 2017!
Kathryn Wilking is an Author, Home Stager and Feng Shui Consultant. She works with Home Owners and Small Businesses to find balance and harmony in each situation. Kathryn delivers ‘Practical Solutions for Life’ through The ONE-ROOM Rescue and unique personality profiling with the Fantastic 5 Elements!
As an active Professional Member of the International Feng Shui Guild, Kathryn is available for private consultations, innovative talks and workshops. Check out her book ‘Practical Feng Shui for the Office’ (2013) and connect with her through
FB Kathryn Wilking Designs
# Fengshui vancouver
***A Co-author and friend of the ‘Change Series 9’, Peggy Sealfon, has a great book to boost your system.
Peggy Sealfon’s book Escape From Anxiety—can Supercharge Your Life With Powerful Strategies from A to Z offers over 100 effective and simple ways to interrupt stressful moments. Or, the January Blahs! Check it out:
Kathryn has inspired women for more than a decade to take charge of their lives; arranging their environment, home and office, to support a positive, prosperous lifestyle. She provides informative tips and talks to organizations and small groups through her Facebook Group and Blog Posts and recorded podcasts. Contact her today for more info about bringing the practical application of Feng Shui into your space.
Kathryn, Thank you for your suggestions. And yes, I totally feel like I’ve stepped into a new life for myself — it feels amazing!
The search for the right artwork really helped, and I added an old look shelving unit yesterday; it has noticeably improved how I feel in my home. When all the new artwork is on the walls, I’ll send you pics :).
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