There‘s still a lot of anxiety on the cusp of this NEW YEAR coming into the Wood Dragon.
With all the world’s problems going on already, how can 2024 harness this anger and cultivate more trust? Ultimately, make things better?
The first thing you need to do to begin in your own space.
In order to make change, one needs to CHANGE something.
You can make ‘change’ anytime you wish. Yet, it’s always motivating to have a logical reason:…
Can you relate?
We all know the feeling of ‘losing the weekend’ to chores, obligations and guilt visits. How does feng shui help with this?
I received a call from Tara this past week, expressing that she’s a bit down running the household and that she feels she’s ‘missing out’ on the fun every weekend.
It seems the chores, the dishes, the shopping are overwhelming.
Feng Shui talks about the energy; ‘balancing’ the energy in all areas: self, others, the…
Almost every morning, I ring my singing bell. Actually, I have three singing bowls. One is a high-pitched one to help clear and reset an area. Another, a low pitched one for cultivating calmness, and a third that has ‘the looks’, but doesn’t resonate like I want. So, perhaps I should move that one along …
Like many others, I am spending too much time at home these days, isolated from my connections and knowing that no one is coming…
Working in your PJ’s may be fine for some, but I have to ask; Are you REALLY dedicated to the success of your day?
Solo Entrepreneurs CAN have it all, and yet, many of us struggle working alone; and being alone too much in our journey. Starting out in your business, can FEEL like a lot of busyness, without productivity. Without seeing results regularly, it is easy to slip into a ‘wait-and-see’ mode, or even ‘take the day off’.
The ‘cure’ to many of our problems can be solved through logic, common sense and instinct. We all have great ‘problem solving skills’ inside, so let’s use them!
~ If you are cold, put on a sweater.
~ If you are tired, take a nap.
~ If you are coming down with a cold, you’ll eat chicken soup and get more rest.
~ If you have a headache or a stress-full day, many people turn to aspirin, alcohol or medication.…
10 Ways to Raise Chi- Energy in any Space
Does your space need a face lift? Or, perhaps a little sunshine?
CHI-ENERGY is part of your life force.
Chi-energy is apparent through the breeze coming in the windows, a gale-force in
a storm or the birth of a baby chick. It is alive, abundant and necessary for us to
Some refer to this as a vibration or frequency; as everything has a life-force or a
vibration in order to…
It’s spring, and we’re waking from hibernation!
We Can Do This!
Are you stuck in lethargy and need to raise the bar?
Raising the chi-energy in your space is EXACTLY what you need to do!
Have you ever come home from vacation, turned the key and stepped inside, only to feel ugh…? What happened while you were away? -The life-force of the house has died!
This can often happen through the winter months when everything gets ‘closed off’ for the…
Placing a ceiling fan over a bed can be detrimental to your health! If you are having restless, sleepless nights, have a look UP at your ceiling.
Many ceiling fans are purchased with the logic that these items can save you money on air conditioning. True. But, are there other hidden costs?
In Feng shui, any item hanging over head is considered a no-no. Your sub-conscious is always aware of ‘something’ overhead. (This includes books, vases, knick-knacks, pots and…
Can a Ghost Ruin my Business?
Q: Is it possible for a ghost to ruin my business? I signed a 3 year lease in a large shopping mall to open an Indian Restaurant. The previous tenant was a Pizza Place. I cleaned the place and opened right away, 2 months ago. I’m losing money and no one comes in to eat. They look in, and walk away. Can you help me from NYC?
A: I hesitate to blame your…
We all have an energetic field around us. Chi-energy is unseen in our environment, but can be measured with sensitive tools searching for disruptions in energy patterns. Personal Energy Fields in humans and pets can be detected using the same dowsing tools used for geopathic stress.
Personal chi-energy is also invisible to the naked eye, and depending on our moods, can influence our family positive or negative.
This unseen energy can either blend into the family lifestyle, or cause…
This condo had been on the market for 6 weeks with one price reduction… excited to make it have more flow and have a little more overall appeal… did a fantastic job of rearranging furniture and re-hanging art. The home flows so much better now and looks way more spacious… this staging will attract the right buyer!