Tag: clutter

The Art of Tidy

How does tidying work when looking for enlightenment and purpose in life? We’ve talked so much about the tangibles, and we are all tired of talking about ‘clutter’.  What’s the point? I’m going to define ‘clutter’ as something out-of-balance. It can have layers and layers of discarded items, not necessarily all garbage. ‘Clutter’ can show up in the form of too much of anything. Bulk buying and no where to store the items. Too many books/dolls/trolls/collections to fit into a…

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27 Things

  There‘s still a lot of anxiety on the cusp of this NEW YEAR coming into the Wood Dragon. With all the world’s problems going on already, how can 2024 harness this anger and cultivate more trust? Ultimately, make things better? The first thing you need to do to begin in your own space. In order to make change, one needs to CHANGE something. You can make ‘change’ anytime you wish. Yet, it’s always motivating to have a logical reason:…

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Clearing Clutter Tips

  Good morning! We’ve been talking about thinking positive and moving forwards in life. Taking charge of the things we can, to make life just a bit better for one more day. Feng Shui isn’t just about gold coins and flowers…and certainly, it’s not about throwing things OUT. It’s about maintaining a positive function and flow in your environment in order to thrive in life, not just survive! You see we are very visual human beings. Taking care of ourselves,…

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New Thoughts for CLUTTER TODAY

The word ‘clutter’ has had a bad wrap over the years! Are we a little overwhelmed stuck in the house these days? Let’s talk about day-to-day living: Life is NOT clutter! We KNOW that ‘real people’ don’t live in a glamourous Staged house, ready-to-entertain each day, right? We know that ‘living’= making a mess sometimes: Life is for the living! Let us separate actual ‘clutter’ and the ‘mess’ we make. The ‘mess’ is always about living: garbage and recycling to…

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Double Trouble?

Have you fallen for the ‘ol -‘BUY TWO and SAVE’? That’s OK, I’m guilty too!  The problem is, what do you do with the extra item(s)? Marketing and retail competition is cluttering up our homes and lives! LOL! Really! Q: Can we resist an ‘extra’ bag of nachos? – Just in case the kids bring their friends over. Q: Can we resist a giant case – cans of tuna fish? What about salsa? And, other foods? Q: Where do you…

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Wooden jewellery box still life

What’s in Your Treasure Chest?

  We all have one. It could be an old trunk, a drawer or even a shoe-box where we keep our treasures hidden from site. In fact many of our ‘treasures’, known as photos, jewels, heirloom knick-knacks, insurance papers and deeds, are package up and rarely seen. There are often news stories about people running from a burning house clutching these rare-to-be seen items in their hands. More recently, a woman ran out of her burning house safely with her…

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Piles and Piles of FILES! (Oh My!)

I thought we were headed towards becoming a paperless society…but…OMG! What is a person supposed to do with it all the ‘paperwork’ that turns into clutter? There are people that pile, and people that file. Which one are you?? Paper clutter is one of the biggest irritants in business. It’s not just physical clutter, all clutter affects you mentally and emotionally; it all messes with your focus to move forwards. In a large office, people are encouraged to save, save,…

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Where is Your Clutter-free Zone?

OMG! How do those boxes in the closet expand over the years? When you feel frustrated trying to get ahead, clearing clutter with feng shui can help you find space for new opportunities. The spiral begins when you procrastinate. Do you want to start moving? Clutter can happen in so many forms: physical, mental, and emotional. Then, it can morph into specifics of: closet, drawers, desk, pet stuff, in box, out box, recycling, laundry, purses, cars, general cleaning… and so…

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A Family, Void of Clutter

    The dilemma:   How many hobbies can we start up at once? How many ‘collectibles’ can we display?How to find the balance of how much ‘stuff’ one can handle at one time? And, how much room we need to store memorabilia? Where is the line?  When we de-clutter to the extreme, we deprive ourselves of the memories, incentives and items that feed our soul. Hmmm… I consulted in a home recently that was void of any clutter, whatsoever! There…

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Victorian Balloon-back Chairs: Clutter?

  Victorian Balloon Back Chairs: Can they turn into Clutter? Built in the 1860’s these chairs support an amazing history of the pre-industrial era. Retracing their history; the tree was grown in England, harvested at its prime and destined for its purpose of being admired and ‘sat-upon’ by the elite. We believe this set of six chairs served its purpose in England for many decades before immigrating to North America. When Stephen found the set in the early 90’s, several…

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Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Wow Kathryn! I just finished your book and it is FULL of great advice, along with many of the Feng Shui principles that I hadn’t been aware of, which made perfect sense! I also took your PEP test and I was quite surprised at how it nailed my personality to a ‘T’. The way you explain Feng Shui, it’s purpose and how we can utilize it in the workplace as well as in our home environment, certainly has given me some valuable information to implement and use to be proactive in creating a bette… Read more

Sherry Brantley
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

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