Ever feel that something isn’t ‘quite right’? Is it the time-of-day that seems to have disruptions? Or perhaps, procrastination has set in.
Stressful issues and anxiety, can blow things out of proportion and lead to non-productivity. Your situation can change daily!
In attempts to find coping skills, many people ask me about décor for their working spaces: which colours to choose and where to put things. If you follow the rules and embrace Feng Shui Theories, your space will feel…
Q: Hi Kathryn, Feng shui is supposed to help with a good nights sleep. Which is the best direction to face the bed? Thanks.
A: This is a great question! I haven’t addressed this issue with my newsletter followers, as I’ve been focusing on business. YET, we all do need a good night’s REST.
Some feng shui practitioners use the compass school to sort out the ‘best direction’ to sleep. While this system works, I find that many families do…
Ask Kathryn
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for taking the time to look at my office.
I work in Toronto at an administrative building close to the U of T. The buildings are old, old, old and sliced into skinny offices with high ceilings; think of the Harry Potter series with dark wood, heavy trim and windows up about 16 or 20’. My office is only 10-12 feet wide and about 30’ long with a window at the end.
We all have an energetic field around us. Chi-energy is unseen in our environment, but can be measured with sensitive tools searching for disruptions in energy patterns. Personal Energy Fields in humans and pets can be detected using the same dowsing tools used for geopathic stress.
Personal chi-energy is also invisible to the naked eye, and depending on our moods, can influence our family positive or negative.
This unseen energy can either blend into the family lifestyle, or cause…
Today we have Pre-War Traditionalists, Post-war/baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (where did they go?) and the Millenniums, all walking the earth at the same time! Can we all learn to communicate and get along?
Each generation older or younger than you has experienced different influences in the world that have formed their lives; with different technology, new inventions to use, new parenting techniques to adopt, etc.
I remember my son and his friend at the old family cottage,…
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] The Command Position in feng shui simplifies why you need to find the ‘best place’ to sit, eat, work or sleep. For maximum efficiency you will need to have your back protected, your vision unobstructed and good supports on each side of your body. It is easy to understand the routine process in setting up your desk and physical environment, but there is so much more.
Being in…
Is your desk out of control? Are the documents getting misplaced? Are you anxious and stressed out easily? It may be time to pay some attention to your office and desk arrangement.
Feng Shui, the ancient art of influence for your environment, can help you sort out your surroundings and therefore your life. Often, only a few simple changes are needed to fuel the change or energy in your workspace.
1. Set yourself up in the Command Position
The Command…
Kathryn applies all her knowledge of Feng Shui to your personality with such positive enthusiasm while showing you directions to enhance your environment for the home or office. Her book, Practical Feng Shui, provides great examples suited to your personal needs and why they may work to improve your situation.