Are you a lucky person? -Anytime you can have an advantage, consider it lucky!
Some people carry a rabbit’s foot, others have a piece of clothing to wear on ‘special days’. And many fly by the seat-of-their-pants waiting for a ‘lucky break’. Can you manipulate the odds to attract luck into your life? Or, can you calculate the odds and find advantage in each situation?
Feng shui is all about the energy. Chi-energy is present in every…
Sunshine ahead!
Practical Steps to Success #12: Support your Luck
Are some people really luckier than others? Are there some people that ‘always’ get what they want out of life? What makes them so different, and so special, than the rest of us?
In feng shui, there is a component of Buddhism; theory about ‘being lucky’ or ‘gathering good luck’. There are several factors to this theory:
~ Fate and Destiny: This is the raw, pre-destined facts of the circumstances…
Kathryn applies all her knowledge of Feng Shui to your personality with such positive enthusiasm while showing you directions to enhance your environment for the home or office. Her book, Practical Feng Shui, provides great examples suited to your personal needs and why they may work to improve your situation.